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A few questions for a newly created server


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(Solved) 1.) How do I give a character Admin rights and access to console commands to spawn in dinos, items, etc?


2.) Which settings should I never use other than "Clean save folder" to avoid losing all characters, dinos, and structures that have been placed in the map?


3.) If I wanted the max level to be 500+ is there an easy way to calculate how much the EXP needed should scale up when adding levels to the server?


4.) I have seen a lot of issues with people losing the charatcers and dinos when uploading them at Obelisks to transfer to other clustered servers. How do I create a server backup to protect character, dino, and server progress?


5.) Merry Christmas. (I know this isn't a question)


If you only know the answer to one or a few of these questions, feel free to share any knowledge you have. Thanks, everyone.

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