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PVE Conflict - Dongs Everywhere Adventure Land

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Hi there! Our PVE-Conflict server just opened on 5/26. Max levels are only just starting to be reached, and player conflict hasn't yet started. If you need a fresh start or are looking for a break from the constant threat of a true PVP server, consider joining us! We've only got three good sized clans of about four people each, so there's plenty of room for you to find your niche.

Server IP:

Server Name: Dongs Everywhere Adventure Land


  • Double XP multiplier

  • Double harvest rates

  • Halved crafting times (everything crafts twice as fast!)

  • Faster night

  • PVP hours limited to 5pm - 12am EST on weekdays

  • PVP hours limited to 12pm - 12am EST on weekends

  • Building damage restricted to PVP hours

  • In-game treasure hunts (if you find the treasure tower, blow it up to get legendary equipment and other items!)

  • Admin-built arena with events

  • Active and helpful server admins (Jab Kicktits and Ogechi!)

  • Friendly player-base

  • Discord chat available (so long as you're not a dick!)

  • Roleplayers welcome (though it's not the standard!)

The only server rule is DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE. Steal from each other, raid, engage freely in PVP antics during PVP hours, but please don't go out of your way to shit all over someone else's fun.

We may add mods in the coming weeks.

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