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Looking for a advice on some scripts


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I am running two scripts on my server that are giving me all kinds of issues.


The first one, is a convoy script. Which I finally got working but now I can't seem to figure out their "side not attackable" in order for it to work on Exile. When I was running my Altis life server these worked fine. There is a function that calls / makes a group "West" and everything was great, you attacked the convoy they would get out and defend, if you ran away they would stand guard then everyone would get back into the vehicles and they would continue on. Here in Exile it's a complete nightmare, they stop, they get out take a union break one might not get out and he just keeps driving the others just start roaming down the street. 


My second script which is working all but the loot, I can't figure that out for the life of me. I can't figure out how to add a 'crate' near the wreck so divers can find it, I tried putting a plane in the ocean that didn't work out well, you could enter the plane but would get stuck and couldn't get out. 


The issue that both have in common is the message display doesn't show up on the screen, if you have the map open and the mission starts you see the message, but if you are in game, not in the map you never know these two missions have started.


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