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PvP-5X Lonely-Gamers / Active-Admins

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Would like to invite you all to (PvP-5X Lonely-Gamers / Active-Admins) Server we are currently going through alot of changes for our files , so we can give the best experience for a 5x Server :) 


I also made a promise to myself that if we get over 20 players daily i would be doing Game GiveAways or small Tournaments in-game and rewards of $20 - $100 and all you have to do is play on the server!

I dont request donations i just want you all to have fun and enjoy the server greatly Hosted on SurvivalServers.


Once we see the server grow we will expand our slots and order more servers :)

Ive been running servers since i was at age 13 im now 21 i have alot of Scripting / Modding / and Working on Games kind of Experience. So if any issues or error happen i can sure i can fix it 70% of the time lol. I learned C# and JavaScript and im currently working on 2 project (1 on Unity [RTS-Game] and other 1 on Unreal Engine [VR-Game] ) so i also know a bit about BluePrints and C++ im still studding so my code is not clean its a pure mess but works :). Now you wondering why did you have to know that well because once modding comes around i hope to work on mods and help out to other servers for issues :).

Discord:  https://discord.gg/RARazvu( Server owners if you need help or just want chat with me you can join and do that but please all i ask is no advertising your own servers <3 )

PS. I work alot so i can fund the server no Donations needed :)

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