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Death & Debauchery Roleplay/6xGathering/FastCrafting/Instant50

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(Conan Exiles)

Death & Debauchery Roleplay has recently moved to a new server host for better performance and fps. We have an amazing community full of fun and helpful people.

Server IP:


Currently Gather is turned up to 6x, You have the option to claim your Instant 50 Kit through Pippi! Otherwise, XP Gain is turned up pretty high and crafting speed is extremely fast to promote your rapid growth so you can join our roleplaying community quicker. Items do not drop upon death (temporary) and kits are available, during the grand opening of our awesome new performing server, that hold building mats to help you along your journey. These will all be available until June 15th, 2017 so act fast and get in on the building train!


We have a discord which you can join us at https://discord.gg/SNTmmyK


For a list of all the Steam mods we are running, you can go here!



Our forums are located here:




We are running Sexiles! We are very good at keeping updated to the most recent version almost immediately with our very active admins!

We look forward to seeing you. Please come play with us and as always, have fun surviving, exiles! 




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