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Problems adding Zombies and Demons to Exile


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So I recently rented this wonderful new Exile server from Survival Servers (fastest company I've seen) and I wanted to add Zombies and Demons to Exile so that there was a bit more of a PVE element to it. I also wanted to run the scripts that 1. Force users to have Zombies and Demons and 2. Have the server run scripts to spawn zombies whenever people are at certain areas. 


I followed the instructions found here;



Downloaded my PBOs. Both the server edition and the mpmissions version. Edited what those instructions told me to. 

Changed my launch parameters to @Exile;@Ryanzombies;

Zipped both files back into PBOs and uploaded them to the server where I got them from.


Now when I launch the game I get that memory error (As soon in the image I uploaded). I had other people test it and they get the same. 


The one time I didn't get the memory error I got Battleeye Script Violation #40. Looking this up on Google did nothing, as people have gotten this error from simple acts such as chopping trees, crashing helicopters etc. 


Here are my PBOs






I appreciate any assistance. 




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With arma 3's last update it caused some issues with the game handling some mods. Use the updated arma3.exe file as a replacement for your file inside of the steam directory. Overwriting that with this updated version will fix the crashing error.



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