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Newbie trying to install infiSTAR on my Arma 3 Exile server


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I need help installing this infiSTAR into my server. I have no Idea what I am doing. The Readme.txt not helpful might as well be written in japanese. I looked everywhere for a guide and none of them shows Exile server just one video showing an Epoch Server but all the file names are different so I can't follow along. Need a guild that breaks it down barney style with pictures and/or video. If you guys know where I can find a good newbie friendly guide it would help out greatly. This would help me with my first problem.

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    Author: Chris(tian) "infiSTAR" Lorenzen
    Contact: [email protected]
    If you have given me no reason to not update you, you will receive updates at (your customers/paypal email address):
    [email protected]
/* *******************Developer : infiSTAR ([email protected])******************* */
/* **************infiSTAR Copyright®© 2011 - 2015 All rights reserved.************** */
/* *********************************www.infiSTAR.de********************************* */
Once you purchase, your paypal email will be added to my Updater.
As soon as I am online, I will send you the most recent version,
as that is always newer than what I have on the store (for several reasons).
However updates and support are not part of the purchase!

http://dayzantihack.com/form.html([email protected])
The .dll files are not essential and not part of the purchase.

You NEEED "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 - 32 Bit version"

is creating (All Logs can be found in the server .rpt file as well, if you do not want to use this dll that is fine):

is writing a ban.txt file in your servers arma3 folder,
Arma3 will kick players with the UIDs written in that ban.txt when they try to join and print the message "you have been banned"

Used to check for existing updates and resolving steam names of players.
(more comming soon / so actually needed now for some of the functions)
Installation-Guide (How to install):

    01. Open the .zip file you have gotten from the store and go into the subfolder "SERVER_ARMA3_FOLDER"
    02. Copy & Paste the folder "@infiSTAR_Exile" (and all the DLL files from DLLs.rar) into your Arma3 server folder (not in any sub folder of the Arma3 server folder)
    03. Go into "SERVER_ARMA3_FOLDER\@infiSTAR_Exile\addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile" and modify the "EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.sqf" to your needs.
    04. Once you are done, make a PBO file out of the "a3_infiSTAR_Exile" folder (You can use PBO Manager or similar tools) and remove the Folder after doing that (so only the pbo is left here: "@infiSTAR_Exile\addons")
    05. Modify your start .bat file or server init line so it has this "-servermod=@infiSTAR_Exile;"
        Example from my test-server:
        -enableHT -autoinit "-servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile" "-mod=@Exile"
    06. Open the "EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.sqf" and add your AdminUID(s), then check if the different settings are fine for you :) - do not edit the other files.
        It is the most important thing that you read carefully through the "EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.sqf" and set all settings correctly for your server.
    07. Default Open Menu Key is F1

MPMission - the hpp file (infiSTAR_Exile_AdminMenu):
    To use the infiSTAR_AdminMenu Dialog you will need to edit your current MPMission.
    Go into your servers MPMissions folder and unpack the mission pbo file you want to run.
    Now open the "description.ext" and
    remove "class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};" and also remove
class CfgRemoteExec
    class Functions
        mode = 1;
        jip = 0;
        class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage     { allowedTargets=2; };
    class Commands
    from the "description.ext"!
    After you removed that, you have to add  (just at the very bottom as last 2 lines should work fine) this:
    #include "infiSTAR_Exile_AdminMenu.hpp"
    #include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
    Now you need to copy the "infiSTAR_Exile_AdminMenu.hpp" & "CfgRemoteExec.hpp" files from "MPMission Addition(s)" into the MPMission (so it is right next to your "description.ext").
    Repack the mission to a pbo again.
    You have to do this, or you will not be able to open the AdminMenu..!
    We need the CfgRemoteExec now, without it infiSTAR will not load! We are using it to distribute could instead using PublicVariables and other methods.

Good to know - Keybinds:
1. You can spectate by double clicking the name of a player in the admin menu.
2. Keybinds:
    F1 - Default AdminMenu Key
    F6 - Heal Yourself
    F7 - Heal & Repair withing 15m
    F10 - Stop Spectating
    F11 - Add Ammo for current weapon
    SHIFT & 4 - Fly Up
    SHIFT & 5 - Teleport in looking direction (if enabled)
    SHIFT & F2 - Adminconsole
    SHIFT & TAB - Open Map
    SHIFT & I - Show Info (Like Codes of Vehicles and Doors)
    DELETE - Delete CursorTarget
    DIK_PGUP (PageUP) - Flip CursorTarget Vehicle
3. If the map is opened and you hold LEFT-ALT key, you can click on the map and teleport there!
4. If you are added in the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.sqf as an admin, you are able to change from admin to a normal player and back by typing !admin in the chat.
infiSTAR.de is used and supported by the biggest and best Communities like:

I am doing this as a passionate 1-man Project.
The tool is actively developed and updated, trying to get the best
results vs Scripters, Hackers while implementing helpful features to administrate your server(s).

I ty to help anyone who needs help but it is very easy structured and self-explaining.
The tool comes with a readme including install instructions and there is even pictures.

If you have seen my tool on another server and you are not convinced about purchasing it yourself or what it does, how it works  or just unsure if you want to purchase it for your server/community.
I can offer you to add your UID to a Test-server so you can at least get a feel of a few benefits you get.

Due to the nature of this software, it needs to be updated quite often, because of new mods, mod updates or new hacks.
I provide Updates and support for my customers for more than 2 years now.
I am happy to go on providing Updates as long as it is possible for me.

Thanks for your attention.

Thanks to those, who help(ed) me testing new features, bugs or sending in Hacks to check against them :)
just contact me:

infiSTAR.de & DayzAntiHack.com & Arma-AntiHack.com
altislifeantihack.com & arma3antihack.com & arma3-antihack.net
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/* *******************Developer : infiSTAR ([email protected])******************* */
/* **************infiSTAR Copyright®© 2011 - 2015 All rights reserved.************** */
/* *********************************www.infiSTAR.de********************************* */

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