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Increasing the despawn timer for player corpse bags when they die?


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So, this is an awesome service, ive had little to no problems using it - but there is one thing bugging me so far and I am completely stumped.

When I die on my server, or someone else does, they leave behind their belongings but the belongings will despawn in 30 mins.

I need to be able to increase this, as there have been a handful of times (early game) where I lost all my stuff because I couldn't get to my corpse in time.

I  need it to be something like 4 hours, because 30 mins feels a bit too harsh, so does anyone know which value controls this, in which INI file it goes in?

I have tried the following already: GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier=<value>

all this does is makes mob corpses (the exploded versions) hang around longer before they despawn. I think it might affect treasure chests and the mob chunks of meat that you can harvest, but it doesn't affect players at all when they die. Reason I am asking for this feature is because I played on another server (before I got my own) and the timer to retrieve your corpse was 4 hours! This seems a lot more fair and fail-safe for players who die on my server (including myself).

Any help is appreciated!

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