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AI driving away my Nooblet's

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First off..Love the control panel, and the way you have the PBO's.  Very nice.




Ok, back to topic.


     i have roaming AI installed on my server and have noticed something.


     Random bambi nooblet logs in for 20 min or so then spams chat saying the hackers are impossible. Come to find out they didn't understand the roaming AI. They talk about how the AI always knows where they are and that they can't get away from them.



This got me to thinking....Is there a way to limit the AI to only attack a person with a certain level of humanity?  it doesnt have to be a seriously high number, maybe 3 or 4 thousand?   It would help with getting people settled in to new servers.



   iono  just a thought      i hate seeing people log on then rage when they can't get any headway with gear because of the deaths and stuff..

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It is possible .


You can set behavion but its not easy to do .


Take this part from wicked ai 2.2.0 that sets ai behavior .


There is a section there were it calls humity .


if (ai_friendly_behaviour) then {

	while {({alive _x} count units _group) > 0} do {

		if (!_guarding) then { _position = getPosATL ((units _group) select 0); };
			_player = _x;
			if((isPlayer _player) && ((_player distance _position) <= 1200)) then {

				_agro = name _player in (_x getVariable ["Aggressors", []]);

				if (_player getVariable ["humanity", 0] < player_bandit) then {
					if ((_player distance _position < 120 && _guarding) || _agro) then {
						_player setCaptive false;
					} else {
						_player setCaptive true;

		} forEach playableUnits;


I'm asking if it could be written..I couldn't do it myself, not quite at that level yet    still learning



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