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How to add a skin for your server?


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Hello guys, how are you?

Well i'm interesting about the skin to add on your server. Pretty much you can say they players earn those skins by playing long hour on my server then they get skins only on my server. If they join different server those skins won't come up only on my server. Is there any tutorial or guide that can help me out, i want to make my server with skins so players will have to play long hours to get skins. 

If anyone know how to do that please let me know

Thank you so much

Best Regards


Gen Gaming Community Mongolia

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Aside from the guide that the dude above just provided you, I recommend totalrust. In case you have any question regarding the game you can just go there. Just imagine having a small wikipedia and it's only about your favorite game. An online encyclopedia to be more exact. It contains all the information that you shall need to complete all the quests in the game. There's also a section where you can find out more details about all the weapons or sometimes just random objects 

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