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Found 9 results

  1. DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/AEpzPufK8Y SERVER IP: Server Name: Anthrax: Plague of the Walkers Welcome to Anthrax, a server designed for those who love raw, immersive, hardcore-ish survival. Designed to imitate the harsh post-apocalyptic world of popular sequels such as The Walking Dead. The server presents you with an unforgiving landscape and is focused on thoughtful gameplay; this is no loot-and-shoot server, it’s a deliberate and unique experience. Hunger, thirst, diseases and the environment are as much your enemies as the zombies or other players. PvP is open everywhere, getting shot or stabbed will lead to actual injuries such as internal organ damage, bullet wounds, stab wounds (all part of the custom medical system). You’ll need to plan ahead, adapt, level-up your character, and fight for your place in a world where every choice matters. We try and keep things somewhat simple to maintain the raw survival feel of DayZ but with a little spice added to it. Mods are carefully chosen and voted on by the community, focusing on lifestyle improvements and subtle enhancements that blend seamlessly into the game. **Custom infected that actually act and feel like zombies (slow yet deadly if you let them get too close): > zombies can and will inflict all kind of damage if you let them get too close or if you decide to put up a fight with them > zombies move slow but they tend to move as one once they sense flash therefor a horde effect is often created when survivors come in contact with them > zombies can break through doors, often trying to corner survivors inside buildings especially if they move in a group > zombies have a chance of inflicting survivors with “the virus” a deadly disease (check medical) > you have to be somewhat strategic when you plan on looting certain location or engaging in shootouts with other survivors because if you let them corner/ get in your building you that might be the end for you. > zombies also have increased health making it harder to take them down using melee weapons especially if they are moving as a group, so you'll have to rely on fire power (there are a bunch of rare special weapons that you might come across which might take care of them more easily). **Custom skill system: > rewards the survivors who manage to stay alive and ''punishes'' those who fail. > you level up your skills by successfully completing certain activities such as hunting, fishing, killing infected, managing to treat diseases, running, being stealthy, treating wounds, etc. > the more you level your skills, the easier it gets for your character to survive through different types of scenarios. > watch out because you do lose some of the levels you managed to get when your character dies (check skills for more info). **Custom medical system: > adds a deeper and more realistic health system to the game, allowing you to immerse yourself in the dangers of survival across the vast landscapes of DayZ. Now, every illness and injury has its own stages, symptoms, and treatment methods. > explore and utilize new mechanics to maintain your health and avoid the dangers lurking at every step. Each symptom and disease requires a unique approach to treatment. > includes a wide range of medications, tools, and methods for diagnosis and treatment, from simple bandaging to complex surgery. **Custom base-building: > you now have 3 different types of building for your base. The vanilla building system is still in place, and in addition, you can now both barricade an existing static building or create your own structure wherever you want on the map, or even a combination of these three. **Less canned food on the server: > survivors are forced to rely on other types of food sources such as hunting, killing zombies in search of food, fishing, farming, that’s also where the skill system comes into play. **Custom storages: > a custom storage crafting system that allows you to create your own storage/furniture that won't break the vanilla feeling. Most of the storage staff revolve around a simple wooden pallet. **Custom clothing: > over 100+ vanilla friendly clothing (both vanilla retextures and new clothing items).
  2. Cold Wolfs Shakal Vanilla + Are you looking for a server with balanced plugins and 1PP? Then you have come to the right place. Join Cold Wolfs today and become part of the community Ip: Region: EU Slots: 50 Discord: https://discord.gg/Ybn26W6xSK
  3. **ARCTIC DAYZ : Hardcore Winter Chernarus** What can i say…Its a character killer try it out if you think hardcore servers are Sticking with our brutalcore format as always, but people dont seem to know what that means so server says hardcore More adjustments to come this week Skill and perk system is in and working, all namalsk survival features in and working, custom crafting in and working , quest system down (adding new starter missions and finalizing quest chain “lechen of the lake” will be back up friday by the latest) Compatible Launchers =**Steam | Dzsa | Magic** (updated after every game/mod update, if you cant find it @me and ill update the listings :] ) **Launcher Information** IP— **** Server Name— **ARCTIC DAYZ : Hardcore Winter Chernarus** Map— **winter chernarus [custom remapping]** Players— **60** Version— **1.23.157045** Mods— **TF:TrueNames** **Zen's Anti-Combat Logout Mod** **NBC Over Clothes Restrictive** **THYER5 Craftable NBC Suits** **ArcticLoading** **ArcticApocalypse** **Underground Bases** **ToFu Raft Human overboard Raft** **Mag Obfuscation** **Realistic Inventory Space** **CRDTN Gui** **CRDTN Core** **Zen's Immersive Login** **Remove LEHS Icon** **Zen's Repairable Wells** **FrozenCorpses** **InediaStamina** **InediaInfectedAI** **Namalsk Survival** **Winter Chernarus V2** **DayZ Editor Loader** **TerrainIslands** **Objects_Free_Mapping** **SPBuilding** **BuilderItems** **VPPAdminTools** **Dabs Framework** **CF** https://discord.gg/arcticdayz *Our Discord is still pretty out of date in terms of this projects info vs last projects info, will post link shortly , be advised channel access is limited and will open more as updates finalize* (Dont want people using old crafting, survival, mapping info to their own peril cause most of it has been changed out or redone since last iteration!)
  4. We are a new server and our goal is to provide the best experience for our players. Our server is built on the best systems and is built to give you uninterrupted gaming pleasure. We do not have a certain number of players at the moment. In this regard, we ask you to join our community and let us know your requests and suggestions via discord. Our Discord address: discord.gg/ravenous Only queue priority is sold to players on our server under Bohemia Interactive monetization rules. This product is sold for the continuity of our community. The ip address of our server: You can find our rules and more on our discord address.
  5. BELOW ZERO - EXTREME HARDCORE WINTER CHERNARUS SERVER FEATURES: 1PP - Completely reimagined areas taken back by Mother nature - Hardcore weather with blizzards and sudden drops in temperature - Improved Zombie AI. They will track you further, for longer and kick doors down to get to you - Custom bunker - Empty weapon mags that spawn in poor condition - Loose ammunition spawns that spawn in poor condition and increase the chances of your weapons jamming - Badly damaged weapons that must be built, repaired and maintained - Single use punched cards - Low medical supplies with additional types - All food and water containers frozen and must be defrosted - Custom gassed airdrops - Toxic gas zone at Krasno Nuclear plant SERVER MODS: - Ammo making - Additional medical supplies - Bloody Nightmare Winter Camo - Better stash - Dumpster dive - MMG civilian clothing - Namalsk survival - Project hope survivor backpack - Project hope currency - Soviet weapons pack - Winter Chernarus - Hardcore Zombie AI https://discord.gg/KtxZFaNrjY
  6. Side36 1PP No aiming dot. The night is dark and full of terrors (c). Server IP-adress : port : 7615 https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Minimum excess content. We don't have tens of modpacks a couple gigabytes each and hundreds of added firearms with questionable visuals and functionality, trader and unlimited stamina. And won't have. We will try to have one global mod for our server plus several separate utulities for administrating purposes. Only natural role-play. DayZ as a game gives more than enough instruments for roleplaying and doesn't require additional conventions for it. Anybody can be anyone he or she wants in the game world. There will be no artificial rules, that put players into imaginary boundaries and dictate interaction with one another. Harsher survival. Fewer weapons and ammo, instruments and food. Fewer slots in clothing. Missions for players. There will be a mission broadcast on radiochannel 99.7 once per hour, completing said mission will grant a reward. Any player can hear the mission. The reward and random and may contain different useful things, some of which can't be found in the game world. Changed basebuilding. You can build almost anywhere. More resources are needed to build walls, but higher toughness and raid resistance. GOOD LUCK, SURVIVOR. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Без точки прицілу. Ніч темна і повна жахів (с). IP-адреса : порт сервера : 8415 https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Мінімум зайвого. У нас немає десятків модпаків по кілька гігабайт кожен і сотень доданих стволів з сумнівним візуалом і функціоналом, торгівника та безлімітної стаміни. І не буде. Ми будемо старатися мати один глобальний мод для нашого сервера плюс окремо кілька утиліт для адміністрування. Тільки природнє відігрування ролі. DayZ як гра дає більш ніж достатньо інструментів для відігрування ролі, і не потребує додаткових умовностей для цього. Тому кожен може бути у світі гри ким забажає, але під це ніколи не будуть створюватись штучні правила, що ставитимуть гравців у вигадані рамки і диктуватимуть як взаємодіяти між собою. Суворіше виживання. Менше зброї та набоїв, інструментів та їжі. Менше слотів у одязі. Завдання для гравців. Раз на годину на радіочастоті 99.7 з'являється завдання, за виконання якого гравець може отримати винагороду. Завдання може почути будь-який гравець. Винагорода є випадковою і може містити різні корисні речі, з яких деякі не знайти в ігровому світі. Змінене будівництво. Будувати можна майже будь-де. Більше витрат ресурсів на побудову стін, але більша міцність і стійкість до рейду. НЕХАЙ ЩАСТИТЬ, УЦІЛІЛИЙ.
  7. IP Address: Slots: 30 Server Type: Full PvE Location: UK Based Discord: https://discord.gg/JCcyrYS PC Only About US -------- We would like to invite and welcome all players to Pure Gaming UK. Freshly wiped modded server completely reworked from ground up. Active staff members working on the server to make your experience and performance better everyday. If you're looking for new adventures, challenges and friendly community - check out our Hard Core Chernarus map [PvE / PC] | Expansion | Custom builds around the map | Airdrops | Black Market | Base Building. Events on custom build arenas with unique prizes. * Full PvE Server. * AdvancedBanking || Economy || 15k Starting Money. * Mid level loot around the world. * Black market. * Drugs. * Custom Cars || Land-Rover-Defender || Hummer_H2 || CJ187-Cars || CJ187-Cars. * MuchStuffPack || WindstridesClothingPack || Gas Masks Only || Cl0ud's Military Gear || Ores And Gems. * FlipTransport || CabinZ || Summer_Chernarus || Airdrops || SNAFU Weapons || Advanced Weapon Scopes || CannabisPlus || Mightys Military Gear || Tactical Flava || ToFu Virtual Storage || CabinZ || ZenVirus || Treasure. * Garage || Gold Bars & Gems || KillReward. * No Car Damage. * Unlimited Stamina. * Zombie Missions with loot.
  8. Hey all! Please take some time to check out my new server! [REDACTED] Tough Survival | No Traders | Guns + | Gear + | Helicopters I Just finished polishing up my brand new server and I’m excited to get some new people to join in on the fun! I’m ready to make a super chill community who loves vanilla dayz with some added spice! No crazy starting items, no traders, and no mods that stray too far from the vanilla experience (though I added a few to make things interesting ) There is more loot overall, more guns, more gear, and additional vehicles (including helicopters). Nights are darker, zombies are tougher, and forests are quite dangerous. Good luck and have fun. Can’t wait to see you guys! - Famu (server admin) P.S. if I happen to be around, you might receive a cheeky little welcome package for the grand opening
  9. Welcome to ApocalypseZ. Are you looking for a server that only has a small amount of mods that only really enhance the survival aspect of the server itself? Well, you're in luck! At ApocalypseZ, we strive to make our server as hardcore as we can. We have multiple mods that increase the survival aspect of the server, including a mod that allows you the ability to sleep. Our server is majority PVP but that doesn't stop you from forming alliances or friendships along the way. That being said, if you do want to just blast everyone you see, you can. You're free to do whatever you have to, to survive. I will list a few mods that we have down below, along with our discord. We are still a relatively new server so I just want people to pop into the discord and say hello, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask away! Current mods: Base Building Plus - This will run along side vanilla base building to allow players to have the choice of base. MunghardsItempack Sleep mod! - We have added the ability and the need to sleep. ShakeForFruit - enables you to shake trees for food. We are constantly adding more mods to enhance the survival aspect of the server. Join our discord to find out more! Discord: https://discord.gg/4YhMrCKh9c