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  1. Hi! The new server BarDuk is waiting for you! - PVP - Raid 24/7 - Events - Cold atmosphere of Namalsk. - It is possible to build underground bases! (Hide your loot as best as possible) - Support from the administration 24/7. - Bring your friends and win a prize! We are waiting only for you! Server name: BarDuck Namalsk Address: Map: Namalsk Discord Server https://discord.gg/4Wf5FsGW
  2. Whatโ€™s up Gents, there really isnโ€™t much of a description. Just another Namalsk server youโ€™re used to seeing! Custom areas with more to come, Loot + Cars added (whaaaat.. this will be interesting). Nothing too special, only two rules being donโ€™t be a c**k and no cheating/combat logging ( Iโ€™m sure more will be added as population goes up). Run a muck! Give it a try and let me know of any issues or additions you would like to see. The following mods being ran are: *Advanced Weapon scopes *BBP *Bulletstack++ *Cl0uds Winter Gear *Code Lock *GhillieFix *GoreZ *GRW ER7 Gauss Rifle *Instant Flagpole *MMG Base Storage *SchanaModGlobalChat *shd_Ghillie *Spurgles_Bagz *Thyer5 hunting Ghillie N Suppressorโ€™s *Uknown Winter clothing pack *Windstridesclothingpack Yes Iโ€™m a big Ghillie guy, the little rat sitting in a bush waiting for you to walk by. https://discord.gg/7hqtcauj6p If the link doesnโ€™t work add me ( CumSock#1139) Direct connect Donโ€™t forget to bring your sock! Love you
  3. Summary: Resonant RP is a role-playing server with a growing community and active admins. Primarily PvE/RP with PvP "KOS Zones". This isn't your everyday RP server with "lite" RP or "sometimes" RP. All communications and interactions in-game are in RP. From the drug running Cartel's to the iron fist of the law, Chernarus PD; mercenaries and your everyday survivalists can be found among the community. You don't have to worry about finding a "dead-end" job! Economy: Player and NPC traders throughout the map with players will to open up their own shops. P2P trading market, Black Market Arms-Dealer, Vehicle trader and Black Market Drug Dealer. Whatever your trade, you can ply it. Lore: A rogue resonant frequency unleashed during military testing tore a hole through the veil of the universe and thrusting the world into near extinction. The frequency, like an echo from another world, washed over our own and in its wake created the beings we call Resonants, or walking undead. Seasonal: The server is setup currently on a 6 month wipe schedule, (Tentative: December 6 - May 6). Each season represents a phase of the server beginning at building allies and bases, to all out war where all rules are abandoned and all caution thrown to the wind in one last climatic clash before it is freshly wiped again. Discord: https://discord.gg/Jaa6GUY7uQ Server IP:
  4. Hello! We have 2 servers. One for people that like to grind and one that is more fast paced. Oblivion DayZ https://www.discord.gg/hcjjjCeedx What To Expect Active Admins Custom Realistic Clothing Custom Weapons Custom Areas Real World Vehicles King of the Hill Air Drops Zombies Enabled (Low Count) Custom Storage Placeable Bunker Bases
  5. Only limited people allowed on the server with special Skills Best of Pvp Beat ofpve Best of Survival Best of building Beste of running a business https://discord.com/invite/outkastdayz do you see yourself worthy to join one of the best servers on days ps4/ps5 # **ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BS SERVERS?** We got a zero **BS** tolerance for rule breaking. On this whitelisted server, alts wont be something that will overrun you, 1 Main and 2 alts Per person. No **BS** 40 alts, no hogging mass amounts of loot offline. Or fighting against an army of one man surrounding the base across a span of 400m in a circle? I know, **BS** right? No modded **BS** bases either, get some nails and build. # **DO YOU WANT AN OLD SCHOOL FEEL TO DAYZ WITH A SLIGHTLY BOOSTED SERVER?** This is the place. That old feel you had running from a horde worrying about your gear, that feeling starting fresh, we give it to you. Freshie gear is more boosted and easier to get, if you want the gooooood shit. You will need to work for it, or fight someone who might have it... # **WOULD YOU RATHER STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE AND LIVE WITH A GROUP BUT NOT A FACTION?** Ahhh don't worry, we have a safe zone so everyone from new players, to PVEers, can get something that they want. There is a place for everyone and a role / job for everyone. Want to run a car shop? Done. Want to run a farming home? Easy. Whatever you can imagine, run by the community, for the community. # **DO YOU LIKE GAS?** Well if you don't? Tough. This is a classic feel to dayz as stated above. Not for the weak hearted. Also dynamic spawns for heli crashes and convoys, go find em! # **A BIT ABOUT THE TEAM** Admins don't raid, we aren't included. We don't get to have fun. Not even allowed in faction groups, luckily the admins have admin night otherwise it'd get lonely. We're always here to help the community out, we have USA & EU & SA time zones, so we can tend to your needs almost 24hs a day...Yay. # **WHAT OTHER AREAS CAN I LOOT?** Well, you could raid a base...like normal I guess. OR, raid one of the lightly modded areas that are being built and changed frequently to change the dynamic of loot and raiding places. I know, too much. BUT ALSO, two POIs around the map, that you can find out what they do ;). # **OVERVIEW** A faction based, near official server, ready to set you straight with all your needs, and being looked after within a tight knit community.
  6. Livonia Map 24/7 Raiding US Based but all welcome SAFEZONE in Lukow Modded Server & MnK enabled Active Discord Clipping enabled Unlimited Stamina enabled Kopa Prison Base To Be Captured PVP/PVE with some RP elements Server Jobs 1x Boosted loot Helicopter Crashes Market/In-game Currency Bounty Hunting Killfeed Community Events Boxing Ring/Fight Nights Giveaways Factions Modded military areas POIโ€™s ๏ธHeatmap Armbands available for factions. Faction perks! Days are 3 hrs 20 min and nights are 40 min. modded weapons and pristine loot. The roots of dayz, not for your beginning player.
  7. **The Last Chance [AIRDROP/BBP/KOTH/MAP/GROUP/STAMINA/LOOTCHEST]** PVP/PVE [GER/ENG] [EU] **Chernarus** **** PVP/PVE **We have official opend our Server!** Helicopter Custom Trader Code Lock BaseBuildingPlus CannabisPlus DrugsPLUS Airdrop-Upgraded Breachingcharge Raid Days LootChest Custom Teddy Bear (Keys) BodyBags Treasure Cars KOTH Stamina Collectable Items Pokemon Cards ATM Leaning Pitstop Weapons Custom PVP Zones No Night Only Sunny Weather Retextured Guns https://discord.gg/thelastchance
  8. https://discord.com/invite/outkastdayz !!Outkast dayz Livonia ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BS SERVERS? We got a zero **BS** tolerance for rule breaking. On this whitelisted server, alts wont be something that will overrun you, 1 Main and 2 alts Per person. No **BS** 40 alts, no hogging mass amounts of loot offline. Or fighting against an army of one man surrounding the base across a span of 400m in a circle? I know, **BS** right? No modded **BS** bases either, get some nails and build. DO YOU WANT AN OLD SCHOOL FEEL TO DAYZ WITH A SLIGHTLY BOOSTED SERVER? This is the place. That old feel you had running from a horde worrying about your gear, that feeling starting fresh, we give it to you. Freshie gear is more boosted and easier to get, if you want the gooooood shit. You will need to work for it, or fight someone who might have it... WOULD YOU RATHER STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE AND LIVE WITH A GROUP BUT NOT A FACTION? Ahhh don't worry, we have a safe zone so everyone from new players, to PVEers, can get something that they want. There is a place for everyone and a role / job for everyone. Want to run a car shop? Done. Want to run a farming home? Easy. Whatever you can imagine, run by the community, for the community. DO YOU LIKE GAS? Well if you don't? Tough. This is a classic feel to dayz as stated above. Not for the weak hearted. Also dynamic spawns for heli crashes and convoys, go find em! A BIT ABOUT THE TEAM Admins don't raid, we aren't included. We don't get to have fun. Not even allowed in faction groups, luckily the admins have admin night otherwise it'd get lonely. We're always here to help the community out, we have USA & EU & SA time zones, so we can tend to your needs almost 24hs a day...Yay. WHAT OTHER AREAS CAN I LOOT? Well, you could raid a base...like normal I guess. OR, raid one of the lightly modded areas that are being built and changed frequently to change the dynamic of loot and raiding places. I know, too much. BUT ALSO, two POIs around the map, that you can find out what they do ;). OVERVIEW A faction based, near official server, ready to set you straight with all your needs, and being looked after within a tight knit community.
  9. BELOW ZERO - EXTREME HARDCORE WINTER CHERNARUS SERVER FEATURES: 1PP - Completely reimagined areas taken back by Mother nature - Hardcore weather with blizzards and sudden drops in temperature - Improved Zombie AI. They will track you further, for longer and kick doors down to get to you - Custom bunker - Empty weapon mags that spawn in poor condition - Loose ammunition spawns that spawn in poor condition and increase the chances of your weapons jamming - Badly damaged weapons that must be built, repaired and maintained - Single use punched cards - Low medical supplies with additional types - All food and water containers frozen and must be defrosted - Custom gassed airdrops - Toxic gas zone at Krasno Nuclear plant SERVER MODS: - Ammo making - Additional medical supplies - Bloody Nightmare Winter Camo - Better stash - Dumpster dive - MMG civilian clothing - Namalsk survival - Project hope survivor backpack - Project hope currency - Soviet weapons pack - Winter Chernarus - Hardcore Zombie AI https://discord.gg/KtxZFaNrjY
  10. Active admin who very are friendly and quick at responding to issues. The Server is a PVE/PVP featuring more Animals, infected zombies, custom looting areas, loads mods where you can have fun including but no limited to, Diesel Gear, Snafu, Vehicle mods, caves, MMG and many more! Server name: DayZraze - PVE/PVP - RAIDS/TRADERS/SURVIVE/BLACK MARKET/SNAFU Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/8paAZGb8 MAP: Chernausplus Platform: PC
  11. Attention DayZ players I have created a server titled ZSquad's DayZ Epoch Reimagined and plays on chernarusA2. The server features some things from Arma2 Epoch like survivor mission, a hero and bandit humanity system, spawn select, guns, hud and more. The server also features some stuff that isn't from Arma2, but has been added to enhance gameplay. Some of those features are DayZ Dog and Snake, a P2P Trader that's 100% player driven, expansion map and groups, BBP, immersiveNVG, and more. We have some custom locations on the map for you to find and explore. Heros and Bandits also have their own respective starting gear that varies from the Bambi players. Our Discord: https://discord.gg/EcEV5D5WPv Server Name: ZSqad's DayZ Epoch Reimagined | Solo/Duo/Trio | Missions It will be unlocked and open for play within the next few days.
  12. Vanquished Gaming is a gaming community with plenty to offer. Our DayZ server is second to none - Vanilla+ type feel with 6 man groups. Team up with friends and take on the server in this fast paced PVP DayZ server. 4 week long wipes. This is a **FRESH LAUNCH 28th APRIL**. With our discord of over 4000 members you will be sure to find friends to play all kinds of games. discord.gg/vanquished
  13. HELLS HERE SERVER IS RESURRECTED..... (PVP) Epoch Be prepared to die a lot All scripts and mods installed by, Caveman
  14. Name / BRUTALCORE-Hardcore Vanilla Survival-1PP/WinterChernarus/SnowMobiles/BushCraftPlus Discord / https://discord.gg/Z73dMRXZ IP / Version / 1.18 Region / U.S. Map / Chernarus Lock / No Password + No WhiteList Mode / 1st Person Slots / 30 Survivors Mod Count / 13 Mods / CF / Dabs Framework / VPPAdminTools / Winter Chernarus / Namalsk Survival / WalkingDeadZombies / FrozenCorpses / Ear-Plugs / HardCoreBackPack / Mag Obfuscation / Savage Snowmobiles / Vanilla++ Tanning & Coloring / BRUTALCORE Server Package This is a lightly modded, hardcore survival server, meant for players looking for a nice challenge. If youre tired of loading 40+ mods for a server labeled hardcore , then this is the place for you ! While we welcome all players, it should be noted, this server may not provide the best experience for players that are new to the game. That said if you learn to play here, vanilla and many other community servers will feel like a cake walk The server was wiped recently, so any solos, duos, and factions alike, all have the chance to get established and make a name for themselves For additional information and questions, please join discord staff is active, easy to approach and respond promptly STAY SAFE, STAY WARM AND AS ALWAYS... BEST OF LUCK SURVIVORS!
  15. BRUTALCORE Launcher Information Name / BRUTALCORE-Hardcore Vanilla Survival-1PP/WinterChernarus/SnowMobiles/BushCraftPlus IP / Version / 1.18 Required Region / U.S. West Template / DayzOffline.ChernarusPlus (Winter) Type / Community (Open) Lock / No Password + No WhiteList Mode / 1st Person Only DLCs / None Slots / 30 Survivors Day cycle / 6xAcceleration Night Cycle / 7.5x Acceleration This is a lightly modded, hardcore survival server with customized assets, meant for players who want to challenge themselves and have a more realistic post apocalypse experience. We have no modded weapons, clothing or infected. loot and food sources have been lowered, as well as the overall temperature of the map. The only mods added to this server are to add realism and difficulty to each players experience. If you're looking for a challenge, give it a try! We hope to see you soon. Enjoy! If you have questions, join Discord for tips, info, events, updates and support https://discord.gg/HAQMGMqx
  16. PC 30 Slots Custom Chernarus Map Unlimited Stamina PvP Weekend Raiding Trader Blackmarket Keycards Weekly Events Referral Program Promotion Program Live Killfeed Modded/Boosted 4x Loot C130/Heli Crash Site's Faction Wars https://discord.gg/2Ed6Z5SmAT
  17. Lost Days Boosted \[US\] \[Livonia\] \[Xbox\] Come join us at Lost Days Boosted on Livonia on Xbox. It's an amazing server with boosted loot, trader, and banking system. We are looking to have in game challenges and events. Our server is catered for survival of the fittest, so come try your luck with us! We are still a growing server and would love to help grow within the community ! We are always open to suggestions to help make our server a friendly and fun space. Come join our discord: [LostDaysBoosted](https://discord.gg/h5hWvxu2) Our staff will gladly answer your questions or you can ask for me - @ mommy empress - to help guide you!
  18. I found this server through a friend and honestly it's the best sever I've been on yet. The admins are active and vary helpful all the mods work great together and the stability of the sever is really good for all that is going on. It's a pvp and pve server it's sweet how they made this sever. Come and join us 24/7.
  19. FLIPPED SPAWN LIVONIA FOR THE TRUE SURVIVAL FEEL. Livonia! FRESH WIPE 20 AUGUST 6PM 50 slot PS Raid weekends Fri/Sat7-midnight Sun7-10 Active factions and squads and solos Trader - stocked to the brim buying and selling Animals up to encourage hunting and a true survival feel No super boosted loot Guns found in the right tiers. custom toxic reward. High reward or the high risk Tonnes of event to win raid packs. Currency and weed! fun and fair admins. Zero toxicity in gen. Fights ends in GGs and good laughs. Mature community https://discord.gg/UZuV47kfcK
  20. ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฅ๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐—ฒ โ€ข New PlayStation Server โ€ข 32 slots UK Server โ€ข Discord channel โ€ข 24/7 PVP โ€ข Base raids every weekend โ€ข Base building anywhere apart from P.O.I. โ€ข Factions โ€ข Active Admins โ€ข Active Trader Outpost โ€ข Custom loot โ€ข Unlimited stamina โ€ข Currency/Gambling โ€ข Factions โ€ข Regular events โ€ฆand more to come Welcome to ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฅ๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐—ฒ We are a fresh new server with a growing community. If you're looking for a friendly server and want to enjoy DAYZ in all aspects come join us and our discord to see everything we offer. We listen to your feedback and we're trying to give you the best DAYZ experience possible. https://discord.gg/TheRapture
  21. Nuketown DayZ | Playstation | Chenarus | PVE/PVP Balance | Trader Nuketown was started by a like-minded coalition of DayZ players who wanted to create something unique and fun amongst the many 100X LOOT and deathmatch servers on console. We are here to have fun in a shared experience with a Discord community. Nuketown strives to balance risk and reward Survival will be hard in Nuketown, but the more risks you are willing to take the higher the rewards. There is a large part of the map designated as the โ€œDark Zoneโ€ where PVP is allowed and other dangers exist. PVE players will be tempted to also visit the Dark Zone for its riches and surprises. We also feature: Fresh wipe on July 19 16 player slots, willing to expand as itโ€™s needed Map: Chenarus Many risk/reward loot adjustments PVP and PVE (No KOS/raiding) areas Bi-weekly Purge (KOS and raiding allowed across the map) Day/night: 4 hours/30 minutes Unlimited sprinting Vehicles mostly complete Zombie hordes across the map Custom structures and Points of Interest to discover Factions Planned events In-house modding and content fully automated trader system Killfeed And more! Friendly, chill and active admins. Join our discord to get whitelisted and in on the action: https://discord.gg/BDaPmFm2am
  22. System: Playstation Location: USA Map: Chernarus Discord: https://discord.gg/RZzY4FhH The server rules are subject to change. The current rules are as follows: 1. Base raiding is allowed. You are not allowed to take over a base. Raid it and then leave. Do not put your own lock on or change the code to a base that doesn't belong to you. Do not log out inside any base that doesn't belong to you. Anyone who violates this rule, will be banned. 2. There are 5 small castle bases in the map. These are first come, first serve. If there is not gate and lock, then it's considered available. 3. If you wish to have a structure and/or building spawned in custom for your base, direct message Admin and send the request. You'll need to be as detailed as possible as to what you're wanting, where you're wanting it and how it's to be oriented. There is no guarantee that your request will be approved. 4. Make sure your gamer name and discord name match. 5. Do not build bases in any military base. If you're aren't sure if it's allowed, message Admin and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  23. hey there folks, ive been running dayz servers for a while now but im new here (came over from nitrado) and im having a bit of a hard time adjusting to things (ive been blessed to get some help from a few kind people but im now stuck in between a rock and a hard place) i have my mod ids/steam ids for mods in their place -> 1559212036,2545327648,2302717234,1602372402 my launch line is as follows -> "-mod=@CF;@Dabs Framework;@DeerIsle;@dbo_surfaces_DI" all bikeys are in the main key folder in ftp dayzOffline.deerisle is in mpmissions folder serverDZ.cfg (aka expert mode on nitrados interface) is set so that server template should start dayzOffline.deerisle on start unfortunately when the server starts it shows the deer isle loading screen then i spawn outside of berezino in chernarus XD whats confusing is it shows all the mods when i look at required mods in the launcher any and all help is greatly GREATLY appreciated as im lost at this point
  24. hi there our group just came here from nitrados hosting services, unfortunately im having trouble finding the file for launch parameters in my ftp just trying to get used to this setup and its givin me hell, have about 24-48 hours b4 nitrado service expires n im tryna get us up n running here before then so when it runs out there only have to change the server name here, long story short i have everything down in terms of configging server BESIDES how to work on this setup lmao (insert sweating smiley face here ) i know i need to put "-AMod=/-@ServerMod=(etc) somewhere but cant find it in my ftp program XD anyone willing to point me the right way its greatly appreciated as nitrado doesnt give access to command lines or loading parameters you jus drop folders n keys n put @mod;@mod;@mod etc n its a wrap after you restart) i may sound dumb as hell considering how long ive been at this but whatever you know, i jus wanna get my players on a better hosting service! theyve stuck w us through thick n thin n they deserve it to say the least!!
  25. Negative-Ramos: High vehicle spawns with loot/Decent loot spawns/Free shop buildings with loot/Weekend raid/Trade store for new explosives/Great community+Friendly staff, just great in general