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Found 12 results

  1. New Day Z Playstation Console Servers with Slighly boosted loot. PVP/PPE We have 2 new servers on Playstation one for the Chernarus map and one for the Lavonia map. There is a credit system to earn in game credits as you play the game and you can use those credits to buy items from the shop list on discord. We’re giving 500 free credits to use in the shop to everyone that links their game ID to the discord server. Were still new and our servers are a work in progress, were working out some minor details but we are always open to suggestions from our community on how we can improve and make both of the servers better and fun for everyone. So we’re definitely open to feedback. As of now were looking to be mainly pvp and ppe with the opportunity to add weekend or bi-weekend raids once our server starts to grow. To join our a Chernarus server search for 100xMC To Join our Lavonia server search for 101xMC Join our discord to link your account and start earning credits. https://discord.gg/SkGpZ Our Discord name: DAYZ MAFIA CLASHERS
  2. New fresh server with modded towns and city's lots of fun stuff to do
  3. https://discord.gg/bdTgcNMj 50 slot pvp Server with trader , black market , safe zone, and much more come check use out and follow the discord ! Thank you
  4. 3X3 The World Of Zion + PowerStones + Kraken Custom Map 3x3 Cluster, 2x Home-ports @ 0,0 & 0,2 Plenty of Trade Routes along with all 8 Power Stones plus all 19 Explorer Notes.. Ive added the GhostShip plus EndBoss location but ive NO way to test this so My Bad if for some reason it doesnt work.. Whats On The Map A total of 72 Islands 8 Power Stone Discoveries 19 Explorer Notes 6 Biome Zones 4 Separate Trade Routes Customized settings for each Biome NPC Over-Writes Over 30 Total Discoveries (Including 4 Hidden) 100% Resources + 100% Animals This is Experimental in the sense there may be small mistakes that ive NO way of checking for so USE at your own risk, At best theres No issues at worst you mention what is wrong & ill attempt to fix it & Update.. I cant help with setting this up lol. ( 0,0 / 0,1 / 0,2 / 1,0 / 1,1 / 1,2 / 2,0 / 2,1 / 2,2 ) View Of The Map Link To Download v1.3 https://tinyurl.com/ydbba857 Download Link v1.3 https://tinyurl.com/y5pplwod Updates If Needed: v1.1 Changed the Layout to give the End-boss its own Grid... v1.2 Fixed CustomDatas1/2 for Power Stone entries into Islands v1.3 Fixed Explorer Notes 20 & 29 v1.4 Added Trench & Re-Arranged Islands
  5. 2x2 Full PVE Enslaught (Requires A Fresh Restart If Using) Proof Of Coverage Picture Of Whats The Grids Look Like This Custom Map is a 2X2 Grid setup, Ive Updated the map today adding in everything I could think of plus what was there before, Also fixed a few mistakes & Re-Arranged 1 Island so there's no over lapping.. 05/02/2019 Custom Island, Hand Crafted Custom Spawner Over-Rides Custom Ship Paths + Traders Custom Global Over-Rides Custom Epic Spawner Over-Rides Custom Global Sea Spawner Over-Rides Custom Sea Colour & Skybox Each Biome is set to its own setting IE, Cold, Desert, Tropical & Tundra 19 Official Explorer Note Discoveries 9 Total Powerstones Floatsam x20 Download File Below v1.9 https://tinyurl.com/ybolq23a KEEP IN MIND IF SETTING THIS UP ON YOUR 4 SERVERS THE BOTTOM LEFT IS THE FREEPORT SO... 0 , 0 is upper left, 0 , 1 is lower left, 1 , 0 is upper right, and 1 , 1 is lower right
  6. Is there a way to reduce map size? i see selection custom, but can't find other options
  7. (UPDATED !! 22/01/2019) V1.3 Here we have a 1x1 Custom Map with plenty of Decent sized Islands & some smaller ones.. Added NPC Tracks between the main Islands, Added 6 Discovery points so if like me you play with a much higher Max level its possible to reach the max goal.. Added some Cold, Temperate & Sandy Islands so there's a bit more variety when Traveling on only a 1x1 server like myself.. Pic Below Download File Below https://tinyurl.com/y7w4u6c6 Download Link v1.3 https://tinyurl.com/y9no6fe6 Made in the Editor using the Original Survival Servers Json file, Tested & Working, Generates the power stones as it should . Contains 2 PVE dedicated Islands for those of you that wish to be able to take on the Gorgons, Hydras & the Fire Elementals v1.3 Updated some code, Ajusted spawns, Added custom spawns of Mermaids, Gentle whales & other, Updated Island code & also updated all Routes, Included GhostShip in the center so theres something else to Blap Updated Trader Routes with NPCtrader9..
  8. Custom 2x2 Map = 2x2 Full PVE Enslaught (Designed with ONLY PVE in mind) v1.2 (Tested & Working on a server) 17/01/2019 See Pic Below This map is basically all the knowledge I have gained so far, Its a Full PVE 2x2 Map that contains all 8 PVE Islands for the Power-Stones along with the following... Custom Island, Hand made Custom Spawner over-rides Custom Ship Paths Custom Global over rides Custom Epic Spawner over rides Custom Global Sea spawner over rides Custom Sea Colour & Skybox Each Biome is set to its own setting Ie, Cold, Desert & so on 13 Total discoveries across all 4 blocks Probably other stuff ive forgot lol.. No IP info has been added as I assume the server will Inject this, Also as Survival Servers sets out the Default Freeport is Lower Left ( You can use the Editor to place your IP info if needed ) Can be used as the following, 1x1 1x2 & 2x2 I would NOT suggest using it as a 1x3 as you cant travel diagonally when switching servers... & yes the Misspelling of Onslaught is on Purpose Download File Below https://tinyurl.com/y9u3q6z5 Version 1.2 Newest https://tinyurl.com/yc4d2mzq Changed spawn point back to first cell, Thanks for the info myerhardt Also cleaned up some of the spawn code & a few other small mistakes that didn't affect the map but did affect what spawned extra.. Picture has been updated to represent the newer map layout.. Centralized the main Island on grid 4 as it was a little too close to the edge for my liking..
  9. Hello, I am trying to switch my server to crystal Isles. I have been struggling with trying to get this to work for 3 days now. so any help is appreciated. firt of all, im not using the full conversion version, im only using the mods from my previous map, (Which are not exclusive to that map) so i dont have the mods for the crystal dragons or stuff like that that are marketed with the crystal isles map. Are these necessary? I have the map ID with the Modmap ID from the workshop page for the map. I also have that map in the mods section, at the front of the loader. This is my launch parameter line CrystalIsles?Multihome=|Mod list at steamgroups/NonesenseET?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=********?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=23617?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk75264?Replace?/Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland/?with?/Game/Mods/804312798 /CrystalIsles ?GameModIDs=804312798,1564797592,916807417,731604991,1315534671,821530042,811782248,923607638,868812923,1531564704,1562853162,881939385 ?ModMapID=804312798? Ive tried making alterations to this set up multiple times, removing the modmap ID from the mod section and the line in the launch parameters as well, ive tried updating, verifying and several other things and what it does every single time I try to open it on my computer, is it shows the mods loading on ark, then opens the slow going loading screen, and at right about the time it would connect, the entire game crashes to my desktop, then, reopens itself. When I tried connecting on my brothers PC it gives him the mod server mismatch. I feel like I tried everything, but im sure ive missed something really dumb. Please halp.
  10. I am new to running Rust server and need some help. The "custom launch parameters line" is limited to 256 characters I believe, but adding header image, seed number and seed size takes up most of that limit. How can I add a custom server description without having to worry about the 255 characters limit? I want to describe the server in more details. Is there like a file or something I can upload? Please guide me. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi. I see that you can change your Island map to other maps now and that i GREAT!! I have been using custom map Valhalla for a month or so, and hate that i have to write it all changes in manual and tried to change map to Valhalla instead of Custom, and it works kinda. I keep my lvl like its said in a Pinned Thread so that cool. But while its the same map i dont keep my stuff and that sucks :-/ Cant there be done anything to that ? Have tried to add "AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk14964" to "GameUserSettings.ini file with no luck sadly Have tried to recall a saved file with no luck. Best Regards SteppeR
  12. I've spent the last five and a half hours or so trying to change the map on my server {i've tried over a dozen server resets} and am at my wit's end. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. EDIT: See third post.