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Found 8 results

  1. Welcome to NovaDayZ – Survival at Its Peak! Map: Sakhal Features: PvP | BaseBuildingPlus (BBP) | C4 Raiding | 1st Person Perspective (1PP) Think you have what it takes to survive the harsh wilderness of Sakhal? NovaDayZ is a relentless survival experience that pushes your skills to the limit. Dive into the intense world of survival, where every decision can be life or death. Build, Fortify, Survive: Use BaseBuildingPlus (BBP) to construct and defend your stronghold. Whether you're fortifying against rival survivors or preparing for future raids, the freedom to build is in your hands. Craft your defenses wisely—because you will be tested. C4 Raiding: For those brave enough, C4 raiding allows you to crack open enemy bases and take what you need. But be warned: raiding isn’t for the faint of heart, and every raid could turn into a battlefield. Intense PvP: Engage in realistic, tactical combat with 1st Person Perspective (1PP). The stakes are high, and PvP combat is unforgiving. Whether you’re defending your base or hunting for supplies, every encounter could be your last. Why Choose NovaDayZ? Hardcore PvP with a focus on realism and strategy. First-Person Only gameplay for maximum immersion and challenge. BaseBuildingPlus (BBP) lets you create bases limited only by your imagination. C4 Raiding brings high-stakes action to base assaults. Join NovaDayZ today and see if you have what it takes to survive!
  2. I’d love to introduce you Chernarus Crimes Server-ip: Welcome to Chernarus Crimes! We added some mods to make the game faster, adjustments for the player movement to improve the pvp feeling, we focus on base building and also raiding. Join today to get the best DayZ feeling. https://de.top-games.net/dayz/chernarus-crimes-1pp-loot-map-groups-more-cars
  3. Freedom Land is the place too be we live by the rule of freedom land no rules come kill and steal what you can if you can. Come be a part of the adventure and see if you can survive!!!
  4. Fresh server, new comers and regulars welcome.
  5. Hi everyone I'm here to announce my Day PC server Anonymous anomaly. It's still relatively new so it only has 10 slots but when more people join The more slots I will add, the server is calledAnonymous Anomaly [Expansion plus] [keycards] [drugs] [pvp pve] and more Discord is https://discord.gg/M7aUcUEk
  6. Server name : Failed State |Quests|Spawn|Keys|Heli|BBP|Trader|Airdrop|KOTH|PVP|Drugs IP Address : 50 Slots Region : EU Discord : https://discord.gg/BReSv4Hr8u Server Update Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW2hjwLNjPk ⦿ PC Server ⦿ UK Based ⦿ Growing Friendly Community ⦿ Beginners New Players Always Welcome ⦿ Active Admins Main Features : ⦿ Chernarus Map ⦿ Quest System - Constant expanding quest system with over 35 Missions so far ⦿ High Tier Loot Compounds Requiring Keycard access with Lootboxes ⦿ Advanced Groups System + Spawn Select + Bed Respawn ⦿ Failed State Helicopters + Failed State Cars with no damage + Car Cover ⦿ SNAFU + Mortys Weapons Systems ⦿ MVS + Equipment System ⦿ Custom Storage + Equipment ⦿ Collectable Barter Items + Dogtags ⦿ Dynamic Animated Heli Crashes ⦿ Airdrops + Cannabis++ ⦿ King Of The Hill + Toxic Zones ⦿ BBP + Codelock + BreachingCharges + Custom Raid tools, Door Raiding Only ⦿ Expanding Custom Areas - Over 15 Custom Locations to explore + more to come ⦿ Unlimited Stamina + Autorun ⦿ 2 Traders + 1 Black Market + 1 Vehicle Trader ⦿ Banking with 50K Start and plenty of ways to make money.
  7. Custom DAYZ server, Custom Traders, Custom area’s unique to this server, vending machines, Custom high capacity clothing (1000 slots) , custom high capacity storage (1000 slots), decoder tablet, 24/7 raiding through doors, gates and hatches only. Maplink between Takistan and Churno which allows you to transfer all your gear. Large helicopter pack, Land Rover and Russian vehicle mod. Keycard system, magic crate, airdrops, King of the Hill. All tickets will be answered. No party limit. Black Market Drug and Gold Traders. Join now and receive a base starter kit which includes a virtual garages and custom helipads. !Come Join The Fun Community! !We Will Not Tolerate Cheaters! !Everyone Is Helpful! https://discord.gg/9vyKAb4ZHr
  8. DISCORD INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED HERE AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE!! PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SERVER IS NOT COMPLETE, AND IS SUBJECT TO WIPE PRIOR TO BEING COMPLETELY FINISHED. YOU MAY JOIN AND EXPLORE NOW, BUT IT IS STRONGLY ADVISED TO REFRAIN FROM BASE BUILDING, AS YOU WILL MORE THAN LIKELY(99.999% CHANCE) LOSE ANY PROGRESS YOU MAKE WHEN THE SERVER GOES COMPLETELY LIVE. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE, AND ENJOY YOUR STAY ON THE DCG DAYZ EXPERIENCE **DCG Server Features** Active, friendly, adult Admins(server is ran by adults, with previous successful server hosting/management experience) Dark nights, no player illumination and NOT Summer(be mindful of rain and night time temps.. It gets cold out there!!) PvZ Zombie Spawn System(Dynamic Zombie Spawning!!) PvZ Tweaked Zombies(New Zombie Behavior) Base Building Plus, much Decos, and many other base building/deco mods(totally enough to keep the builders busy!!) Build Anywhere, and No Base Destruction Unlimited Stamina Custom Vehicles/Weapons/Gear Base Spawns(respawn at your base(or wherever you choose) using a sleeping bag(currently implementing) Spawn Selection(choose where you spawn initially, and when you die(if you don't have a respawn point set) VanillaPlusPlus Map(with custom waypoints. Some are off by default) Flippable Vehicles, and No Vehicle Damage Trader/Banking system with ATM's, with a 15K starting balance!! Traders are located at Kumyrna and Green Mountain(with more to come. All traders are currenly being reworked, to make them unique to the DCG DayZ Experience. Prices subject to change without notice. Items are still being added, and economy being balanced) Treasure system in place(Keep your eyes out for photos lying about that could lead you to treasure!! Just be sure you have a shovel!!)) Customized Airdrops(currently schedule is customized. planning to add custom loot in the future) The focus of this server is solo/co-op style PvE Survival. We've added mods that reduce the grind, while keeping your aderanline going without the hassle and stress of PvP That being said this is not to be taken as a Casual experience. The dark nights with no player illumination are claustrophobic to say the least and the increased zombies(and dynamic spawning) means nowhere is really safe. All the starting gear is also custom. That meaning even tho you are at odds with our world. We do help you out at the start with one of 12(more to come) different Load-out possibilities. **LOAD-OUT POSSIBILITIES** Soldier(rare chance to spawn as Militia variant, with an AKM and BDU's) Paramedic(outfitted with medical supplies) Office worker(you just cashed your paycheck, so you have extra money to spend!) Biker( Hiker( Police Officer Lumberjack Thug( Fireman( Hunter( Farmer( **DCG SERVER RULES** No KOS. Less drama, happier community! No bases within 1000m of any Military bases or Traders Absolutely NO base raiding. This includes player vehicles and the items inside. You may defend your property with lethal force. This is only to be done once you can 100% confirm someone is stealing your items. (This includes if you get attacked) Immediately contact an admin in game or on discord and explain the situation. Vehicles and DayZ are unstable, you may have despawning issues. **Use at your own risk** There may be circumstances where we will replace a vehicle. But not always! If you and a friend want to switch characters and need to kill eachother to do it. Announce it in chat before doing so. (We have kill logs, chat logs and webhooks active at ALL TIMES) Build logs are also active. It will show who placed(or demolished) any base building item. In short, if you take down someone elses walls, we will know who did it, and when they did it. Removing walls(fences/doors/etc) is considered base raiding, and is an automatic ban. Loot Cycling of ANY kind will NOT BE TOLERATED. (Loot Cycling is picking up loot you don't want, and just dropping it so new loot spawns.) IT IS BAD ON SERVER PERFORMANCE. If you are caught, appropriate action will be taken. If you see evidence of loot cycling, please ping an @admin on the discord **Complete Mod List** - Community Framework Forever_Burning_Campfire VPPNotifications - Banking Gerphelius Zil-130 GAZ-3309 - Admin Pack GoreZ Airdrop-Upgraded - Base Fortifications InventoryPlusPlus Base Building Logs - BaseBuildingPlus Mass'sManyItemOverhaul Better Inspect - BetterBarbedWire MuchCarKey_V2 PsychoDayZ Vehicle Expansion - FIDOv PACK 4 MuchDecos PsychoDayZ Vehicle Expansion 2 - BuildAnywhere MuchDecos_Codelock BuilderItems - BulletStacksPlusPlus MuchStuffPack CannabisPlus - COCA's No Vehicle Damage Munghards Itempack Code Lock - Treasure OP_BaseItems Dayz Navigation - DayZ-Expansion-Chat PartyMe dbo_surfaces - DayZ-Expansion-Notifications Plus200_Home DisableBaseDestruction - Docs_Weapon_Pack_Standalone RaG_HummerRefresh Ear Plugs - Easy Signs Server_Information_Panel FlipTransport - SQUAD MSF-C Unlimited Stamina VanillaPlusPlusMap - VPPAdminTools WeaponReduxPack WindstriderClothing - ZeRoY Jeep Willis PvZmoD Spawn System zSpawnSelection - Trader Mod PvZmod Tweaked Zombies