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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all After reading several GameUserSettings.ini files being reverted back to the previous settings. i now have the same issue; We recently changed from Ark Survival to Primitive Plus so this is what i am trying to do and have done! Updated the server to P+ did NOT change anything in the gameuser setting. did NOT change anything in the game.ini i have followed all the steps that SS describes to make it load custom maps. (111...(i know there must be more ones) and all that) So far so good all is working. I played on the server many others joined and its working fine! So i thought hey to make sure people know this server is P+ i will add this to the hostname via the CP. So the original name of the server is "De Belgen" without the quotes:) I change it to "De Belgen [Primitive+]" again without the quotes. Reboot the server and what do i see, it reverted back the name to .....exactly "De Belgen" without the quotes. So i thought as suggested in other topics there might be something wrong within the coding like "[Primitive] so went online and searched the serverlist for the "Primitive +" in their names. OH yes i did find these servers. So i thought hmm could be me lets try some other things. De Belgen (Primitive+) no luck De Belgen (Primitive +) no luck De Belgen (Primitive plus) no luck De Belgen (Primitive Plus) no luck Tried any combination possible with or without special characters anything... no luck i tried everything throug the CP. ok STOP hold on i read in a topic, if you are using FTP most of the time you should keep using that or it might go wrong. So here i am reading, a solution "finally", because i do use FTP all the time for my settings. Rince and repeat the naming process and gues what..................NO luck!! the damn thing seems to live its own live, it does not want me to change the name. So onward to the next level, change it into something completly different......no luck So basicly ever since i have changed to P+ its not allowing me to change the GameUserSettings.ini anylonger. Thanks for reading and hopefully someone had this before and is able to give a proper solution.
  2. Looking for easy utility to weal seatings Server & Game user Just want to tweak some basics like night length, taming times, etc. have for few noob friends want a fun fairly easy starting game experience. Thanks Can I just modify the Game.ini in the \ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer folder then reboot server??
  3. I have a question for the GameUserSettings file – Does anyone know if we need this line AutoSavePeriodMinutes=30 I mean SurvivalServers do a backup for us ever 30 minutts – so do we really need that one too? The reason why I ask is that I noticed that we lag / rubber band whenever this run…. So I am think of removing it or just setting it to 90 minutts or so – but offcouse only if this is not the one used by SurvivalServers for the back up.