This is a very easy mod to install and easy to edit.
Original mod by Bohemia Interactive
Add the Credits file attached to this post into a folder called custom in your mission pbo root directory.
(root directory in this instance refers to your main folder with list of files, extract mission pbo and the folder that opens up is your root directory)
If you don't have a custom folder. You can create one. Add the file in it.
Go to your init.sqf file
at the bottom or between these two lines (either one works)
Thats how it should look if you go that route.
Now only thing left to do is edit your messages you want appearing.
Here is how it looks (since dayzopen.net is down currently):
If you want to change your text colors in the credits.sqf file click here for the codes
Those color codes will work for all your menu and text in game just an FYI.