Asablod Gaming is now hosting an Ark Survival Evolved dedicated server!
(PvE/PvP) Open 24/7! Located in Sweden but open for all! Invite needed - !
+ Rates 1x Everything
+ Day 0.7 / Night 1.9
+ Everything else is stock!
Minor things can be tweaked as we go along!
Every now and then we will setup small boosts as an event-like thing!
# 20 years and older (to keep it fairly mature)!
# NO griefing! If you kill someone then move along! Inventory stays!
# Unconsious (offline players) in bases are not free kills or free loot!
# NO offline campraiding! Triberaiding is done fairly! Griefing of ANY kind
WILL lead to instaban!
# Volcano is for everyone so no base there!
# Unused huts you demolish. We want stuff to grow back!
# And remember - NO GRIEFING! We dont tolerate it!
Lets all have a happy time!
Might add more rules..