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Everything posted by c7kizer

  1. this is just great looks like overseas players cant see the servers again. i hope 1.11 patch fixes this
  2. any plans to add discord server webhook support so when server goes downs or starts back up it can alert my discord?
  3. looks like the issue finally resolved it selfe last week and everyone can see the servers again
  4. anyone else had this issue in past few days? i never did until yesterday. friends from uk and sweden cant see my or my friends servers from seattle. opened a work ticket #650934 already
  5. c7kizer

    Livonia - mods

    not sure if this topic has been discussed but how or can we mod livonia yet?
  6. c7kizer


    Well Livonia be a map option for our existing servers are will i have to rent another server/close down my current one?