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ThePuppySo1dier Andrew

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  1. Hello, I'm Puppy and I have one question. As what the title hopefully says. I am looking for the best of the best Dino's for every single catalogue, I am apologising about asking something for being a newcomer but, I must know. Oh by the way, do keep in mind that this is in ONLY for PvE setup not PvP. I only looked at two websites but instead of believing these websites, I wanted asked people who might or will know the best dino's for every catalogue and I do mean every. If you are of course wondering about the websites that I went to. Well, here these are the websites https://www.dododex.com/gathering and https://ark.gamepedia.com/ARK_Survival_Evolved_Wiki Do have a great day. Form somebody new. Puppy Also sorry about my English and spelling.