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Everything posted by Burghalter

  1. Did the Issue get fixed? I have nearly the exact sam issue only with other mods. My server wont start if i use the exact same @Mod names like the folders are. If i rename the folders so they wont have spaces in it, the server starts but everyone gets kicked because the server says the client has active mods that aren't active on the server. Is there any method to teach the server to ignore the spaces and load with none edited folders? My launch-parameters are looking like this: -dayzserver=DayZServer.exe -mod=@CF;@Unlimited Stamina;@SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run;@VanillaPlusPlusMap;@AmmunitionExpansion;@Base Furniture Mods 2.0;@Base_Storage;@BetterSuppressors;@BuildAnywhere;@BulletStacksPlusPlus;@CarsPlus;@CJ187_Drinks_Food;@CJ187_Magazine;@Code Lock;@DayZ-Expansion-Chat;@GoreZ;@InventoryPlus;@KillFeed;@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul;@MunghardsItempack;@New Clothes by rob;@Summer_Chernarus;@WeaponExpansion Ideas or hints? Btw. support ticket has already been created. EDIT: Found the problem with a helping hand from the support. my starting parameters needed some " before and after. The joining errors were a bit misleading. They meant that the client is running pbo's that the server dont know but the pbo's weren't missing, the bikeys of that mods were missing. No everything runs fine.