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Posts posted by Rcarr327

  1. Ok so every once in a while the mod is dropped from the server files.  This is still happening.  Ryan...how do I manually upload mod and stop the server from reuploading the mod files every reset?  Also no other servers that run this mod on different providers has this problem.  I checked with the Emberlight Mod team and checked funcomm servers...something on the provider side is causing this issue from what I have been told.  

  2. I had the same issue for my server.  Server recommended moving to a different IP address to fix the issue.  So four days after the issue was reported and numerous back and forth it was done.  Now it seems to be working.  Now there is another issue with server kicking all my players out including me.  Not sure if they are related but 2nd issue in the two weeks I have been with this provider.