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Everything posted by Shasha

  1. I've been trying to get this to work all day and I'm getting frustrated at how long it's taking support to answer so I wanted to see if I could get it answered here, I have this under [serverSettings] in my ini file. XPMultiplier=5.000000 TamingSpeedMultiplier=5.000000 HarvestAmountMultiplier=5.000000 OverrideOfficialDifficulty=10.0 DifficultyOffset=1.0 Yes, I've read it used to or is stuck at x3. I tried x3, not working. Yes, I've destroyed wild dinos. Yes, I've edited this through the FTP as well, still not working. Any help or information is greatly appreciated. I also can't seem to get a new world seed to generate, so any info on that would be great too.