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  1. I've already tried to do it through phpMyAdmin in the cust_loadout and cust_loadout_profile tables for dayz overwatch but when players die, they dont get the custom loadout assigned to them. Instead they get the default spawn. is there anyway i can do the following: 1.) change the custom loadout for the server so its not just a tazer, painkillers, and a few bandages 2.) Implement custom loadouts for UID's
  2. I've already tried to do it through phpMyAdmin in the cust_loadout and cust_loadout_profile tables for dayz overwatch but when players die, they dont get the custom loadout assigned to them. Instead they get the default spawn. is there anyway i can do the following: 1.) change the custom loadout for the server so its not just a tazer, painkillers, and a few bandages 2.) Implement custom loadouts for UID's
  3. So all of the mods that i have bought through you guys (SS) seem to have stopped working after a password reset for my phpmyadmin. It was resolved and i was able to get in with no problems. But the thing is, i was gone for about 5 days on a business trip and when i got home, i logged back into my server. everything started up normally but when i attempted to use the self bloodbad mod, i didnt have the option. then walking around, there was a bunch of random car wrecks and debris. which should be there since i have the dayz removal of random stuff mod. then after, i tried to pull out parts from a car but i couldnt and i tried to activate my debug monitor (which was programmed by SS to be the F10 key) and it didnt work either. so i thought it was just a bad log in so i relogged and the same issues still existed. I personally havent done anything to my server (i.e. mods or anything) except from the initial setup from when i got the server almost 2 weeks ago, a custom load out that i was testing before my password issue, a I configured a reset every 2 hours that lasts for 1 min. I dont know if any of these would of affected the mods/scripts but i wouldnt have thought so. So, i was wondering if you guys can take a look at in and see what the issue is with the server.
  4. So all of the mods that i have bought through you guys (SS) seem to have stopped working after a password reset for my phpmyadmin. It was resolved and i was able to get in with no problems. But the thing is, i was gone for about 5 days on a business trip and when i got home, i logged back into my server. everything started up normally but when i attempted to use the self bloodbad mod, i didnt have the option. then walking around, there was a bunch of random car wrecks and debris. which should be there since i have the dayz removal of random stuff mod. then after, i tried to pull out parts from a car but i couldnt and i tried to activate my debug monitor (which was programmed by SS to be the F10 key) and it didnt work either. so i thought it was just a bad log in so i relogged and the same issues still existed. I personally havent done anything to my server (i.e. mods or anything) except from the initial setup from when i got the server almost 2 weeks ago, a custom load out that i was testing before my password issue, a I configured a reset every 2 hours that lasts for 1 min. I dont know if any of these would of affected the mods/scripts but i wouldnt have thought so. So, i was wondering if you guys can take a look at in and see what the issue is with the server.
  5. So I've had my server for about 2 weeks now and I still have a question about this "Fully Managed" feature that I got. I understand that a fully managed server already accomplishes the following : "Fully Managed: Fully Managed - We'll setup your server, install third party software (limited to Arma beta updates, BEC, SS AntiHack, supported maps), update game patches, update BattlEye, configure client requested server variables, change maps, change missions, and configure scheduled tasks (server restarts)" But say if I wanted to add custom buildings/bases to my server; or change the server name so its not generic and sticks out more; or if i wanted to edit my server cycle to 5 hrs. day and 1 hr. night, is that all covered under the "Fully Managed" (implied by the "configure client request server variables") feature? I also understand that if I did want these things accomplished I can do them myself or that if I did want them to be done by SS, a simple support ticket would suffice. I just want to know what are the exact capabilities and limits that I can ask for.
  6. So I've had my server for about 2 weeks now and I still have a question about this "Fully Managed" feature that I got. I understand that a fully managed server already accomplishes the following : "Fully Managed: Fully Managed - We'll setup your server, install third party software (limited to Arma beta updates, BEC, SS AntiHack, supported maps), update game patches, update BattlEye, configure client requested server variables, change maps, change missions, and configure scheduled tasks (server restarts)" But say if I wanted to add custom buildings/bases to my server; or change the server name so its not generic and sticks out more; or if i wanted to edit my server cycle to 5 hrs. day and 1 hr. night, is that all covered under the "Fully Managed" (implied by the "configure client request server variables") feature? I also understand that if I did want these things accomplished I can do them myself or that if I did want them to be done by SS, a simple support ticket would suffice. I just want to know what are the exact capabilities and limits that I can ask for.
  7. 40 and 50 slot servers are the same price. ($30 USD) That is the price of a "bare" server. As in, no mods or anything.
  8. 40 and 50 slot servers are the same price. ($30 USD) That is the price of a "bare" server. As in, no mods or anything.
  9. They replied in 2 business dayz for me.
  10. They replied in 2 business dayz for me.
  11. so this is my very first server and of course mistakes will be made. i have a question about this from DayZTools. I got this error "Database connection failed (user): Access denied for user 'dayzbenjamina'@'' (using password: YES)" -Would this be linked to the fact that my phpMyAdmin doesnt have a password? Also, i accidentally deleted my phpMyAdmin password and now i cant get in. -Is there anyway i can get my password back?
  12. so this is my very first server and of course mistakes will be made. i have a question about this from DayZTools. I got this error "Database connection failed (user): Access denied for user 'dayzbenjamina'@'' (using password: YES)" -Would this be linked to the fact that my phpMyAdmin doesnt have a password? Also, i accidentally deleted my phpMyAdmin password and now i cant get in. -Is there anyway i can get my password back?