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Can someone please help me with this? it was like 4 hours ago and i still really need help D:
Hi, I bought an arma 3 altis life server and so far its running fairly well yet its almost unplayable because of something the server is automatically doing when it was made, for no reason at all when you abort (even if you sync your data) you'll re spawn with nothing on you no matter what you had including your map so if you wanna get around you'll have to kill yourself to even get a map back without buying it, please help. I have no Idea why it does this.
& I know the l is there I accidently typed that but Im still having this issue
Hi! I was attempting to add weapons to my server by adding these lines vvv class rebel { name = "Mohammed's Jihadi Shop"; side = "civ"; license = "rebel"; level[] = { "", "", -1, "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" }; items[] = { { "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 240, 90 }, { "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 2000, 90 }, { "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 2000, -1 }, { "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 100, 10 }, { "srifle_GM6_F", "", 3500, 500 }, { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 1500, 90 },l { "arifle_MX_F", "", 2000, 90 }, { "arifle_MX_SW_F", "", 2200, 350 }, { "arifle_MXM_F", "", 2000, 90 } }; When before it was like this class rebel { name = "Mohammed's Jihadi Shop"; side = "civ"; license = "rebel"; level[] = { "", "", -1, "" }; items[] = { { "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 240, 90 }, { "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 2000, 90 }, { "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 2000, -1 }, { "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 100, 10 }, }; And my server doesnt accept them! I dont know why Im not the best at this so I know I did it wrong (and I have backups) But I want this to work!!! Please help! (for info this is what each line is for) vvvv Format: * level: ARRAY (This is for limiting items to certain things) * 0: Variable to read from * 1: Variable Value Type (SCALAR / BOOL / EQUAL) * 2: What to compare to (-1 = Check Disabled) * 3: Custom exit message (Optional) * * items: { Classname, Itemname, BuyPrice, SellPrice } * * Itemname only needs to be filled if you want to rename the original object name. * * Weapon classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons * Item classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Items
Hey guys I've had accounts with survival servers before and had issues like this in the past but im wondering if you could help me, I recently bought a altis life 4.4 server and whenever a buddy of mine and I join we constantly get "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Script Restriction #5) I've checked the logs and heres what I get as of now, please help. this is in scripts.log 26.01.2018 12:06:39: Joji 8ede531c25f4dcb681ea242ac7e7d09d - #5 ""BIS_fnc_paramReviveBleedOutDuration","BIS_fnc_paramReviveForceRespawnDuration","BIS_fnc_paramTimeAcceleration","BIS_fnc_ORBATOp" 26.01.2018 12:07:17: Colby 67e554bb679107e211f9d1eea1213ccb - #5 ""BIS_fnc_paramReviveBleedOutDuration","BIS_fnc_paramReviveForceRespawnDuration","BIS_fnc_paramTimeAcceleration","BIS_fnc_ORBATOp" and this is in scripts.txt //new2 1 "" !="this allowDamage false;" !="this enableSimulation false;" !"this addAction[localize\"STR_" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize (getText(missionConfigFile" 5 addAction !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize (getText(missionConfigFile" !HC_fnc_getVehicles !life_fnc_atmMenu !life_fnc_captureHideout !life_fnc_chopShopMenu !life_fnc_clothingMenu !life_fnc_dpFinish !life_fnc_dropFishingNet !life_fnc_fedCamDisplay !life_fnc_fuelStatOpen !life_fnc_getDPMission !life_fnc_healHospital !life_fnc_packupSpikes !life_fnc_postBail !life_fnc_processAction !life_fnc_questionDealer !life_fnc_robAction !life_fnc_safeFix !life_fnc_safeOpen !life_fnc_serviceChopper !life_fnc_storeVehicle !life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu !life_fnc_virt_menu !life_fnc_weaponShopMenu !life_spikestrip !TON_fnc_getVehicles 5 createDialog !\"altisPhone\" !\"Chop_Shop\" !\"DeathScreen\" !\"Federal_Safe\" !\"Life_Admin_Compensate\" !\"life_admin_menu\" !\"Life_atm_management\" !\"Life_cell_phone\" !\"Life_Clothing\" !\"Life_Create_Gang_Diag\" !\"Life_FuelStat\" !\"Life_impound_menu\" !\"Life_key_management\" !\"Life_My_Gang_Diag\" !\"life_spawn_selection\" !\"life_ticket_give\" !\"life_ticket_pay\" !\"Life_Vehicle_Shop_v2\" !\"life_wanted_menu\" !\"life_weapon_shop\" !\"pInteraction_Menu\" !\"playerSettings\" !\"RscDisplayCamera\" !\"RscDisplayDebugPublic\" !\"RscDisplayWelcome\" !\"RscGUIEditor\" !\"SettingsMenu\" !\"shops_menu\" !\"TrunkMenu\" !\"vInteraction_Menu\" 5 ctrlCreate !\"RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars\" 5 ctrlDelete !="};\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_ListGroup = _display displayctrl 21903 ;\n\n\n\nctrlDelete _ListGroup;\n_listGroupCfg = configfile >> \"RscDisplayDebri" !=" select 2; \n_ListGroup = _display displayctrl 38400;\n\n\n\nctrlDelete _ListGroup;\n_listGroupCfg = configfile >> \"RscDisplayDLCCo" 5 forceRespawn !="Helper\",\"BIS_fnc_reviveRemoveHelper\",\"BIS_fnc_reviveHandleForceRespawnAction\",\"BIS_fnc_reviveHandleIncapUnitDetection\",\"BIS_fnc_" !="[\"a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveHandleForceRespawnAction.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3_Mark\",\"Revive\",\"reviveHand" !="_reviveHandleReviveAction;\n\n\n[] spawn bis_fnc_reviveHandleForceRespawnAction;\n\n\n[] spawn bis_fnc_reviveHandleIncapUnitDetection;" !="];\nplayer hideobject true;\nplayer enablesimulation false;\nforcerespawn player;\n};\n} else {\nif (isnil \"_respawnOnStart\") then {_r" 5 W_O_O_K_I_E !="\"_endM\"];\nif (isServer && !hasInterface) exitWith {}; \n\n\n\nW_O_O_K_I_E_ANTI_ANTI_HAX = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") " 5 E_X_T_A_S_Y !="lse\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nE_X_T_A_S_Y_ANTI_ANTI_HAX = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") " 5 DO_NUKE !="false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nDO_NUKE = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} e" 5 JxMxE !="\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nJxMxE_spunkveh = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"f" 5 llyyssttiiccc !="then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nJJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_LLYYSSTTIICCC_SHIT_RE = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then " 5 J_M_E_ 5 aNUScODERZ 5 Jesus 5 JJJJ_ !="\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nJJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_LLYYSSTTIICCC_SHIT_RE = compileFinal (if (\"fals" 5 ThirtySix 5 root_ 5 E5P 5 Bossmode