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  1. I open DayZ tools, I go to map, and I click on the helicopter, it gives the option to refuel & repair, or the option to delete. I click delete. Then I restart the server then jump on under my character and the chopper is still there or another of the same chopper has spawned right next to or on top of it and they both explode.
  2. I found the answers to the others.....but deleting and restarting the server doesn't work to delete my vehicles. I've done it several times. Should I create a ticket for this?
  3. I am a new admin with a reasonably new server. I am able to add vehicles/spawn points using DayZ Tools....but I am unable to delete the vehicles...any help?
  4. Can anyone give me a little help with these items.... 1. How do I remove a vehicle once placed? (Using DayZTools) 2. I would like to customize the debug monitor 3. How can I nerf the zombies...or lessen their intensity. 4. How do I kill the abort timer. 5. Where do I go to kill nameplates? Any help with links, advice etc would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks for the link. Worked like a charm!
  6. Can anyone help me find out how to change the name of my server?