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Everything posted by JonathanD

  1. Ah! I see how it works now, Thank you for the quick reply
  2. I see, so where exactly would I be able to search for a player ID? I haven't been able to find a search function on DayZTools - The taskbar I receive includes: Home | Membership | Server Settings | Run Task | Tools | Reports | Logout PS: Thanks for the reply. EDIT: I now understand that there's a difference between phpMyAdmin and DayZTools and that it is an entirely different software, I have phpMyAdmin installed onto my computer but I'm unsure on how to login to my Private Hive Database. Could anybody help me on this?
  3. Hey there. My name is Jonathan and I currently manage a DayZ Private Hive server with Survival Servers. I was wondering if it is at all possible to be able to access and edit our server's players' profiles (e.g via the database) so that - for example - a player's blood/humanity may be changed to a value of our liking. If it is possible, how would I go about it?