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About BetterDeadThanZed

  • Birthday 08/26/1970

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  • Location
    South River, NJ USA
  1. No it isn't. Redis Desktop Management tool does not have an export/import option, unless I'm using the wrong one...
  2. This has been solved. Support will be putting the dump.rdb file into my new server for me.
  3. I've got my Epoch server running on a dedicated server that I'll be shutting down. I want to copy over the database from there to here but I don't seem to have access to the DB folder. Any idea how I can copy the database over?
  4. Thanks for the reply, but mine said "requiredBuild = 95054; "... even if that sets the minimum for clients to have to connect, it doesn't fix the issue of me not being able to update and I still don't have a reply to my ticket.
  5. Ugh. I still can't get my server to the latest version. I made it all the way up to 102591 by installing each version, start the server, check DayZ Commander to see the version number, stop the server, uninstall, install the next version. I did this over and over and after 102591, it doesn't update to any new version. Hopefully they can work this out in the support ticket.
  6. Ok, well it turns out newer updates are in the Mod Manager section. Didn't fix my problem though, as it thinks I have the latest version installed according to the mod manager, but I'm working on this in a ticket, although who knows how long until this is resolved.
  7. I have a new server. The only reason I am renting here is because the host that I rent my other two servers from doesn't offer Lingor Skalator (sp?). Why is it that the latest Arma 2 patches aren't in TCAdmin? My server can't be joined because it's running an old version of Arma 2 and the latest version isn't in TCAdmin. The server is on 96754 but the latest version of Arma 2 is 103419. Why hasn't this company updated it's versions in TCAdmin? Does everyone that gets a new server need to put in a support ticket to get their server patched? That's insane.
  8. First off, I have put in a ticket, but while I'm waiting, maybe someone can answer my questions. It appears my server comes with version 96754 of Arma 2, which is preventing me from joining the server. I have version 103419 installed. The latest version available in TCAdmin is 97488. Am I doing something wrong? How do I get it to 103419? Also, how can I customize my server's name? I can't find that option.