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Drk Matador

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Everything posted by Drk Matador

  1. Been waiting for you all day man XD, Just add me on skype: s.alomar95 or steam: Drk Matador
  2. Thank you monkey, I'm currently in your TS server and my name is Drk Matador, I have no Idea how to use TS and it seems that i'm the only person who's online. Please contact me in your TS server as soon as possible, I'm pretty sure I need your help.
  3. How can I add mods on to my sever? I want Helli-lift, Toeing, Self-Bloodbag, custom bases so on and so forth? I tried following the tutorials but, I have no idea where can I find my mission files? Any help would be appreciated, you can contact me on Steam: Drk Matador
  4. Been trying for exactly 4 hours now, I just can't get the DayZ map to install on to my server :/, whenever it reaches 100% it says "Can't find directory". I really need to get this working as soon as possible or I'll have an angry mob by tomorrow