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  1. This will be my final post in regards to this situation, i urge you to read it carefully: after weeks and weeks of trying to work with survival servers, even offering my technical input of what they need to consider doing to fix the issue, i was met with nothing but disrespect and false answers that this was not an issue on their end. Today, as a server, we have cancelled our payments and moved to a different host, and what would you know. the issue is not there. this has been an issue with this host specifically and they refuse to see and fix the issue. as a final thought. i will leave you with my very last interaction with the support staff, so you can see just how much they care about their customers.
  2. hey man, the skins is an issue every owner here is having rn, survivalservers isnt really saying anything, guess they wanna pretend its not an issue, i figure they have some ip adress block on the rust skin server, we are all waiting to have it fixed, who knows how long it will take, you can see what we all have seen at the link below https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5078-updated-rust-today-skins-not-working-in-server/
  3. half of the servers inside of this forums are vanilla servers, i appreciate the response ryan, but this is an issue with only this host. the rust community is filled with hosts that are not having this issue
  4. the only response i got from my ticket was as follows...... "Is there a plugin that does this or is it on even the official servers? Let me know and I'll be happy to look into this." waited for ever for a one line response.
  5. this is a server side issue, and the host refuses to comment on it, no other servers except for our hosts are experiencing issues. i cant get in contact from anyone at survival servers. i dont even care if they say "we arnt sure, but we are looking into it" id be fine with it, the issue is that they are leaving us server owners in the dark and thats not okay. we pay good money for servers