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Posts posted by Kiln

  1. I run the following settings on my server.


    Both seem to work fine, however, it's important to note they aren't supported in the "Modify Server Config" tool.  So if you do change anything in there and save the .in it will remove the entries. You have to manually login to the FTP site and modify the file yourself to get to them to work.  Be careful using the DurabilityMultiplier as it affects both armor and weapons.  It's tough to get a good balance between weapons not decaying to fast and armor never decaying.  I find that that between .2 and .3 is a good range.
    It's also important to note that the config settings DO NOT impact tools. I have found no way to change the durability of picks and axes.
    Good luck on your happy balance of durability!
  2. GAME SERVER ID #33554

    We have seen the same thing over the last 2 days or so.  Server was running pretty much without issue from launch until about 03 Feb 2017.  Now we get constant rubber banding with 2-3 max on a 10 person server.  Additionally, we've been seeing the server dump all connections about ever 6-7 hrs.  Once it dumps connections everyone gets an endless black screen after trying to reconnect.  The only way to solve the black screen is to restart the server.  Once the server restarts we're still back to rubberband fest.  Any ideas anyone?  

