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Everything posted by peppy

  1. I got it working. after having everything reset and redownloaded, its working. Might have just needed to do the kill all wild dinos command to get it to work....
  2. Hey everyone, So this is the first time i've tried to set up a server and i'm having an issue that i'm hoping someone can help me with. I am trying to use the extinction core mod along with a few others and it is not working correctly. When i load them all, the extinction core mod does not load (can verify by trying to passive tame a turtle or trike) but all the other ones do. If i load just extinction core it works fine. So i figured i had an incompatible mod. So i started 1 by one removing mods, and retesting and nothing worked. So i went into Ark, started a single player game with all the mods i wanted and it works just fine. I've tried to copy the list of mod IDs as they were listed in the single player game in case maybe it was the order i had them listed but it still didn't work. This is the list of mods with IDs that i am attempting to use This is the string i'm using and yes the extinction core mod is first because the author says to put it first. the only change i can see on the .ini files is this at the bottom [/Game/Mods/Extinction/GameMode_Extinction.GameMode_Extinction_C] OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=999999999 OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=999999999 Does anyone know what i am doing wrong or why it is not working? [/Game/Mods/Extinction/GameMode_Extinction.GameMode_Extinction_C]OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=999999999OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=999999999 [/Game/Mods/Extinction/GameMode_Extinction.GameMode_Extinction_C]OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=999999999OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=999999999