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Everything posted by riddlogic

  1. My issues may be related to this too. Sometime around Monday my server started to seemingly restart itself every few minutes. I'm not sure that it was a true restart, but it would kick everyone and all my admin tools (dart, tsw) for about a minute and then everything would come back normally. Unfortunately this would continue to occur every 5-10 minutes making my server completely unplayable. I've also submitted a ticket but with the very slow response times and unhelpful at that, I've still been offline since Monday morning. A day is understandable, 2 days is unfortunate, over 3 days now is... well, incredibly frustrating for me and my players.
  2. I followed this thread to get autorefuel working on my server. http://opendayz.net/index.php?threads/d ... ions.7056/ If you actually read through the thread, there are 2 different methods used. The second method uses a couple scripts and is much, much easier to implement. I'd recommend going with that as it's just adding some script actions and not actually modifying your mission code. It also makes autorefuel work on all fuel-based objects (gas stations, tanks, etc) instead of the coordinates based approach in the first one. As for the rest of what you're trying to do, the pbo used in the above fueling scripts is probably the pbo you would use for the rest of it.
  3. The DayZ guys acknowledged this issue with the humanity system (and changing skins in general) on the forums. Hopefully fixed in the next update. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/top ... e-help-me/
  4. When my server reaches over 30 people I also get reports of lots of "red chains" and desync/lag. I don't think these servers are up to par for 40 people running lag-free.
  5. Sorry you're still getting this issue. Updating all of my filters from the link we provided before fixed my issue right away. A server restart is required obviously. https://code.google.com/p/dayz-communit ... e/filters/
  6. TSW is not a replacement for BE. And I think we're all getting that "failed to connect" message. Not sure what's up with that.
  7. Does every post you make have to be so full of snark? Stop the hate bro.
  8. That's exactly the issue, Sabar. A varchar column of length 0 can't store the amount of data being entered, even if it just an empty array. Mine are set at 25 though I guess with what is actually being put in the rows, a value of 2 would work. Though I think varchar stores 4 bytes regardless... anyway. You can't leave them 0. Bjoern, you didn't do anything stupid. Sounds like you've got everything working correctly.
  9. The first thing I'd do is download my HiveExt.log and see if there are any errors reported in it. Database-related errors about saving new tents to the db will show in there. If you see some post them. When I was having issues with new tents being added to my database it was because I hadn't discovered that Hitpoints needed to be a varchar yet.
  10. Glad you got it all working! Not trying to sound like a dick, but everything you described was exactly as discussed here. Instance deployable had to be wiped for all of us. =P
  11. Yes, only Hitpoints need to be varchar. Sorry if it was confusing, it took me a long time to figure all that out and I was groggy by the end of it. =P Hopefully you're doing it through the Structure tab in phpmyadmin, that's the easiest. More info: Vehicles will work if Hitpoints is an Int, but deployables won't save. Hitpoints has to be a varchar for things like tents to save.
  12. I installed everything normally via the mod manager. Then I copied all the scripts from that link to: /Bliss/BattlEye/
  13. While admining a server is certainly not the easiest thing to do, it's not rocket science either. There is a learning curve but there are plenty of help resources out there if you aren't afraid to Google. Don't mind the snark of some "superior admins".
  14. That's exactly what I did and I posted the solution. So thanks for... repeating it?
  15. Here's my post from a thread before this. Using these updated filter files fixed this issue for me.
  16. Help will be given here. =) As for your list: Private Hive- $25 with Survival Servers and I would recommend getting TheSilentWarrior Antihack program (TSW) at purchase too, which is an additional one-time $20. So total cost at setup is $45, with $25 recurring monthly. It's a fantastic tool that makes admining your server cake, but is not necessary. 6 Hour Restarts- The easiest way to do a restart schedule is to use the BEC mod, which is BattleEye Extended Controls. It's got a simple xml file that stores your restart schedule. I also run 6 hour interval restarts, so I could even give you my file so you get the idea. Daytime- This is a standard configuration setting. You would set your server time type to Static and the hour to something like 11. What this does is every time your server restarts, the time is set back to 11am in-game, making it morning again. 6 hours will pass in game, but the restart puts it back to 11 again so it never gets dark. I set mine to 1pm so i get a couple hours of dark before restart. Vehicle Spawns- Also very easy to do. This host supplies a tool called Map Tool that allows you to add new vehicle spawns anywhere. You can also do them through TSW if you purchase that. Any other questions I'm happy to help.
  17. Just updated my server, all seems to be in order. Edit: Spoke too soon... From our forums, "ate a can of beans. kicked for script restriction #20. FML" Here we go again. =P Apparently a lot of people are experiencing this and of course it's BattleEye related. Suggestion was to get the latest scripts from here: https://code.google.com/p/dayz-communit ... e/filters/ I haven't tested if this works yet or not.
  18. I've had a massive amount of server trouble over the past week, so I'm being very cautious about modifying anything at the moment. However, I wonder exactly what files are updated in these mod updates? Would it be something we could download and ftp upload ourselves, replacing the necessary files, or are there some server-side files we don't have access too. I'm guessing it's the latter, but I may look into it tonight.
  19. My total cost of purchase was $45 with server and TSW. As for your other two questions, you might be better off contacting the maker of TSW directly. He's been very prompt in his responses to me. http://thesilentwarrior.com/tsw/ I know I'm not directly answering your question, but the licensing of TSW is tied to your server, not to a machine. So in theory, anyone you give the Key and Password you create for TSW administration to will be able to run it. However, I'm not sure if the creator intended this or not, so if you want to stay "legit" I would definitely ask him.
  20. Like Robbie said, I'm not sure if it's necessarily intended, but don't trust backpacks unless they're on your back. Hell, it wasn't that long ago that just swimming with a backpack on caused it to lose all it's contents.
  21. If you change the columns to VARCHAR instead of INT they will continue to save tents, I updated my answer response before this one also. Sorry I didn't catch this sooner.
  22. This may actually prevent deployables from saving. So I would do a test in game with tents/tank traps/wire/etc first and see if they write to your database. Personally if it's a trade off between having vehicles or not, I'll take the vehicles for now until a true fix comes out.
  23. Sorry you're having that issue, Chuck. I actually had the same thing. The only way I was able to get it to work was to empty my tables and force everyone to start fresh. Now, I think I may have only needed to empty my instance_deployable table, but I am not sure. I ended up deleting everything from instance_deployable, instance_vehicles and all my survivors. I'd start with emptying your instance_deployable, restarting your server, and see if you get the crash. It's all that HiveExt.dll causing these issues. It's actually kind of fun to make everyone sort of start over, but quite a few weren't to happy about it.
  24. While investigating my other problem of missing vehicles, I reinstalled everything. I then started getting Script Restriction #44 errors on every login. Anyone running into this issue, you just need to replace your scripts.txt file in Bliss/BattleEye with the one found in this thread: http://opendayz.net/index.php?threads/h ... k-44.7627/
  25. OK, here's what I've found. I don't know what HiveExt is or does, except that it's probably responsible for parsing your database. Inside HiveExt.log I found this error: 2013-02-23 21:08:00 Database: [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'Hitpoints' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'select iv.id as id, v.class_name, 0 as owner_id, iv.worldspace, iv.inventory, iv.parts, iv.fuel, iv.damage from `instance_vehicle` iv join `world_vehicle` wv on iv.`world_vehicle_id` = wv.`id` join `vehicle` v on wv.`vehicle_id` = v.`id` where iv.`instance_id` = 1577 union select id.`unique_id`, d.`class_name`, id.`owner_id`, id.`worldspace`, id.`inventory`, `Hitpoints`, `Fuel`, `Damage` from `instance_deployable` id inner join `deployable` d on id.`deployable_id` = d.`id` where id.`instance_id` = 1577 AND `deployable_id` IS NOT NULL' 2013-02-23 21:08:00 Database: [Error] Failed to fetch objects from database For whatever reason, it's attempting to call the columns Hitpoints, Fuel, and Damage in the instance_deployable table, which don't exist for me. I don't know if they should or if this is a bug. Adding these 3 columns to my isntance_deployable table fixed my vehicle spawn issues and removed the errors from HiveExt.log. Since this is just a patch solution, I don't want to include the SQL here as I'm sure the Survival Servers guys will be doing a fix for it. But if you're comfortable in phpmyadmin, just add those 3 rows to the end of the instance_deployable table and make Hitpoint column VARCHAR and the other two default INT's, check NULL for all 3. Hope this helps! EDIT: Deploable's weren't saving after these changes because the Hitpoints column should be made a VARCHAR instead of an INT. Sorry I didn't catch this sooner.