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  1. You can only do this to look in the database and change your world location near the heli. IF you wait a bit longer survival servers will put a tool online to make spawning vehicles easyier.
  2. Yeah after reading a bit more i found that out aswell. It only good if you are running a server local. I really wonder how it looks like! I could help you with some thinking into it, or some help. But i need to see how i looks like. Or put some pics online so the users will be more satified on what is comming, and share ideas. Cheers, Edo
  3. This is what i always do 1. Unpack your mission PBO. 2. Go to the description.ext file. 3. Open it with notepad++ 4. Look for line 9 there you see disableChannels[]={0,2,6}; 5. Remove channel 1 (side) if you remove it from this line your channel will be shown. 6. If you want to see people disconnect or connecting remove 6 (system) aswell from line 9. The list of channels are: 0 = Global 1 = Side 2 = Command 3 = Group 4 = Vehicle 5 = Direct 6 = System Good Luck!
  4. You can only see if they are working by searching for them ingame. What i always do to test if things are working is spawn a heli next to me and look for them manually. But if oyu just enabled the option it should be good enough, never had problems with care packages.
  5. Remember if you are editing mission files. Always make a backup of the original so you can easy do a rollback.
  6. Have you tryied to edit some PBO files? Could be a cause of your error.
  7. What kind of tools are you going to make available for your users? I found this nice control center, its called Dayz Server Controlcenter http://www.dayzcc.tk/index.php?page=Index Would be awesome if you can support this, really user friendly. Cheers, Edo