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Everything posted by Jnkbller

  1. Not sure if you have resolved this issue yet or not but the same thing happened to several players on my server for the first month before I figured it out. Apparently, it has to do with the Varchar length of the hitpoints column of the player table in the database. Change the value from 24 to 1023 and that will solve your problem. Good luck!
  2. Has anyone been able to install the Epoch Chernarus map version using the Survival Servers CPanel? I have tried several times to install it and continue to get wait for host when I try to join the server. Also, nothing seems to be loading (RPT pasted below). Is there some sequence of event I need to do to get this installed? Thanks for any help I can get! Jnkbller ===================================================================== == C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma2\15954\arma2oaserver.exe == "C:\sspanel\gameservers\arma2\15954\arma2oaserver.exe" -mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=Admin -config=Admin\server.cfg -cfg=Admin\arma2.cfg -name=Admin -nolog ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2018/01/02 17:26:16 Current time: 2018/01/03 15:55:05 Version 1.63.131129 15:55:05 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303 15:55:06 Connected to Steam servers ErrorMessage: Include file z\addons\dayz_code\gui\description.hpp not found.
  3. Thanks so much! I have sent you my mission PBO via email.
  4. Hi Overlord, thanks for the reply. I don't use TS. How can I get the mission file to you other than TS? Can I upload or attach it here somehow? Thanks! Jnkbller
  5. Hi there, ​ ​I've noticed that the prices in the traders allow you to purchase M24 rounds for 100 coins, convert them to DMR mags and sell them for 3000 coins, making a hefty profit. I tried to change the prices here: ​ ​\dayz_code\configs\category\SniperRifleAmmo.hpp ​ ​But it doesn't change the prices at the trader. If anyone has the time to help me out and take a look at my mission file (attached) I would really appreciate it. ​ ​Thanks for your help! ​ ​Jnkbller
  6. Well, as you know I recently installed Coins and Global Banking. I also recently installed the latest Wicked AI version that has been updated for That said, I don't believe those scripts are the cause because this has been going on since the server went live, about two years ago. I have ignored it but now that I am getting more players on my server I feel I need to address it. I posted this on the Epoch forums and received a reply from Salival, who is a well respected moderator and scripter there, and said that I needed to update my Infistar Antihack. I thought I was running the latest version but have no idea how to check. I submitted a support ticket to SS asking them to check and to update it. I will check out the server_playersync.sqf file but I honestly don't know what to even look for. Thanks! Jnkbller
  7. Hey All, Just wanted to check in to see if any of you have experienced this issue or maybe have a fix for it. I am running an Epoch server and players have been dying and then are spawned back to their bodies with full gear, essentially duping themselves. This has happened to several players (maybe all) at one time or another. When they die, the death message appears twice (and sometimes three times) in the bottom left of the screen. Any one have any ideas? Thanks! Jnkbller
  8. Right you are Overlord, It was my fn_selfActions.sqf in my mission pbo that was not displaying options on the bankers in the traders. I did a diffmerge on the one in my mission file and the one that came with the ZSC and now it works like a charm. Thanks for your help! Jnkbller
  9. Okay, so I got the guy to show up in the traders but nothing happens when I mouse wheel on him. Any ideas? Was wondering if adding this line: ZSC_bankObjects = ["Functionary1_EP1_DZ"]; // Array of objects that are available for banking (i.e Suitcase, Info_Board_EP1) to: global_banking\dayz_code\init\variable.sqf Would make a difference? Going to try it tonight. Thanks! Jnkbller
  10. Okay, so this part has got me a bit confused. Here are the instructions with my edits and questions in red: Copy the following directory to your dayz_server folder: dayz_server\bankTraders (I put this into my mission pbo at first in the addons folder, then I tried it again in the root of the server pbo. Do I need to put this in a folder called addons?) In mission\init.sqf find this line: execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\traders\chernarus11.sqf"; //Add trader agents add this line directly below: execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\bankTraders\chernarus.sqf"; //Add banking agents Here is the code from my init.sqf: if (isServer) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\dynamic_vehicle.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf"; execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\traders\chernarus11.sqf"; //Add trader agents //Get the server to setup what waterholes are going to be infected and then broadcast to everyone. if (dayz_infectiousWaterholes && (toLower worldName == "chernarus")) then {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\infectiousWaterholes\init.sqf";}; // Lootable objects from CfgTownGeneratorDefault.hpp if (dayz_townGenerator) then { execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\MainLootableObjects.sqf"; //Bank Traders for Global Banking execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\bankTraders\chernarus.sqf"; //Add banking agents }; }; Does the last line need to be right under the "execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\traders\chernarus11.sqf"; //Add trader agents" line? You can chose from the following files depending on your map: chernarus.sqf lingor.sqf namalsk.sqf napf.sqf panthera.sqf tavi.sqf Thanks! Jnkbller
  11. Ah, the second part is the part I did not do. Thanks so much for your help!
  12. Yes, I've seen on other servers that there is a guy or a sometimes a little shack with a guy that works as the ATM where you can deposit all of your coins to the global banking account. I need to figure out how to add that guy or ATM. If anyone knows please give me a heads up. Thanks! Jnkbller
  13. Me again, Okay, so I see that you can save coins into the safe and lockboxes. Pretty cool. But what is the bank icon for? No amounts are showing in there when I save to the bank via the safe. Is it supposed to be showing an amount? I would think it would show the global amount of all your coins in all of your safes and lockboxes but that might be wishful thinking. Anyone know how it's supposed to work? Thanks! Jnkbller
  14. Hi again, So I got it working! No more script kicks. But now I am confused as to how move coins into the bank. I installed global banking as well and have the icon for the bank in the UI. But how do I move money into it? I don't see ATMs at the traders. Any ideas? Thanks! Jnkbller
  15. Hi again, The line 41 spamming has been cleaned up. Thanks! However, I am still getting kicked for BE Script Restriction #13 when I apply the pbos with the coin changes in them. It starts to load and then times out after 120 second while on waiting for server to start authorization. Then it kicks me to lobby and returns script restriction #13 error. Here is the error again from the log. I don't think I reported the bold portion to you before. Do we need that at the end of the line also? 18.08.2017 09:11:51: Vlad the Impaler ( 4ad0045e904b8ab7fc54effce1ade964 - #13 "licVariableServer 'ANTI_ANTI_HACK_FOUND1';(findDisplay 46)closeDisplay 0;};}; if(isServer && ((!isNil 'player')||(!isNull play" Here is my scripts.txt contents just in case I am doing something wrong that you can see. BTW, the line 41 kicks are actually line 42 kicks since line 15 is a new line. That's why the stuff that cleaned up the spamming is on line 44. //new2 1 "EqualCheats" 1 "been infected!" 1 "FunctionsManager" !=" (isNull _grp) then { _grp = group ((allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager') select 0); };\nif (!isNull _grp) then {\n_list = units " 1 "BattleFieldClearance" 1 "BIS_MPF_logic" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit" 1 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup" !="BIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit" 1 "_codeAHOFF" 1 "_box" !="{show_loot_infiSTAR = !show_loot_infiSTAR;};\n};\nif(isNil \"show_boxes_infiSTAR\")then{show_boxes_infiSTAR = false;};\nfnc_BoxS = {\n" 1 "_first in" 1 "_commands" 5 "createDialog" !="_dialog = createDialog \"BankDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"GivePlayerDialog\";" !"_dialog = createdialog \"atmDialog\";" 1 "_agent setDamage 1" 1 "_unit createUnit" 5 "closeDisplay" !="((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 9000);" !="(findDisplay 46)closeDisplay 0;};}; !="licVariableServer 'ANTI_ANTI_HACK_FOUND1';(findDisplay 46)closeDisplay 0;};" 1 "rJIPrequest =" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'" 1 "RUSTLER" 1 "Ruslter" 1 "Systems Online" 1 "HangenderRE" 1 "vilegaming" 1 "Lystic" 1 "setDammage" 1 "@TheWarZ" 1 "beeeh" 1 "dayz-injector-menu" 1 "Shadowy_NONRE" 1 "_cute" 1 "_stuff" 1 "_vgmenu" 1 "_func4" 1 "_genVar" 1 "_rand60" 1 "_first_term" 1 "_skarmory" 1 "_salamence" 1 "Init RE" 1 "Nigger" 1 "action_crate1" 1 "_dummyveh" 1 "try saving" 1 "setDamage -" 1 "setDamage +" 1 cutrsc !="layer == player)};\nwaituntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};\n5 cutRsc [\"wm_disp\",\"PLAIN\"];\n((uiNamespace getVariable \"wm_disp\") di" !="cutRsc ['rscDynamicText', 'PLAIN'];" !=";\n_displayText = {\nprivate [\"_display\",\"_textLine\"];\n4099999 cutrsc [\"RSC_DZ_Messages\",\"plain\"];\n_display = uinamespace getvaria" !="holdBreath select 0) or (_turboKey select 0)) then {\n4100002 cutRsc [\"DZ_BlackScreen\",\"PLAIN\"];\n(uiNamespace getVariable \"DZ_Bla" !="Completed)}) then {\nif (toLower DZE_UI == \"vanilla\") then {3 cutRsc ['playerStatusGUI','PLAIN',3];} else {3 cutRsc ['playerStatu" !=cameraView in [\"INTERNAL\",\"EXTERNAL\",\"GUNNER\]) then {\n80000 cutRsc [\"DZ_GroupIcons\",\"PLAIN\"];\n\n_display = uiNamespace getVariab" !="= _y;\n_y = _array select 0;\n_h = _array select 1;\n};\n\n_layer cutrsc [\"rscDynamicText\",\"plain\"];\n\n_display = uinamespace getvaria" !="\"ca\modules_e\functions\GUI\fn_infoText.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3100 cutrsc [\"rscInfoText\",\"plain\"];\n\n\n\n_text = _this;\n_textArrayUnicode" !="Group;\ndeleteGroup _myGroup;\n80000 cutText [\"\",\"PLAIN\"]; \n\n3 cutRsc [\"default\", \"PLAIN\",3];\n4 cutRsc [\"default\", \"PLAIN\",3];\n\n_b" !="bleSerialization;\n_showText = {\nprivate \"_textLine\";\n4099999 cutRsc [\"RSC_DZ_Messages\",\"plain\"];\n_textLine = (uiNamespace getVar" !="ted)}) exitWith { if (!isNil "dayZ_serverName") then {5 cutRsc ["wm_disp","PLAIN"];\n_watermark = (uiNamespace getVariable "" 1 setVehicleInit 1 createTeam 1 Waypoint !="oiter;\n_newDest = nil;\n_movingTo = _myDest;\n_array = [];\n_waypoint = [];\n\n_agentReset = false;\n\n_bodyStay = 60;\n\n_agent disab" 1 createUnit !="roup);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_group = createGroup west;\n_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\",[],0,\"NONE\"];\n_newUnit" !="eGroup sideLogic;\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [\"Logic\", [1000,10,0], [], 0, \"NONE\"];\npublicVariable \"BIS" 1 markerText !=", [0,0,0]]) setMarkerText (_this select 0);\n PVAH_AdminReq = [69,player];publicVa" !="\n_marker setMarkerTypeLocal \"DestroyedVehicle\";\n_marker setMarkerTextLocal format [\"%1\",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else " !="\"SupplyVehicle\";\n_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];\n_vm setMarkerTextLocal format[\" %1\", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >>" 1 addMPEventHandler Thanks for your help! Jnkbller
  16. Hi again, So in my log it says: 15.08.2017 12:31:22: Vlad the Impaler ( 4ad0045e904b8ab7fc54effce1ade964 - #13 "licVariableServer 'ANTI_ANTI_HACK_FOUND1';(findDisplay 46)closeDisplay 0;};}; and in the scripts.txt the line is: 5 "closeDisplay" !="((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 9000);" What should it look like after I add the exception? Also, when I downloaded my scripts.log it was over 1.5 gigs and is constantly spamming these lines for all players: 17.08.2017 10:23:12: Trasher ( 890a3ce1f8840d10a27d89a90e6b55d2 - #41 "bleSerialization; _showText = { private "_textLine"; 4099999 cutRsc ["RSC_DZ_Messages","plain"]; _textLine = (uiNamespace getVar" Is this unusual and should I do something to fix it? Again, thank you so much for taking the time to help me! Jnkbller
  17. Oh, I'm sorry, I should have pasted in the line from my file. I did remove the CUT portion. My file looks like this... //new2 1 "EqualCheats" 1 "been infected!" 1 "FunctionsManager" !=" (isNull _grp) then { _grp = group ((allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager') select 0); };\nif (!isNull _grp) then {\n_list = units " 1 "BattleFieldClearance" 1 "BIS_MPF_logic" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit" 1 "BIS_MPF_dummygroup" !="BIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;" !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit" 1 "_codeAHOFF" 1 "_box" !="{show_loot_infiSTAR = !show_loot_infiSTAR;};\n};\nif(isNil \"show_boxes_infiSTAR\")then{show_boxes_infiSTAR = false;};\nfnc_BoxS = {\n" 1 "_first in" 1 "_commands" 5 "createDialog" !="_dialog = createDialog \"BankDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"GivePlayerDialog\";" !"_dialog = createdialog \"atmDialog\";" 1 "_agent setDamage 1" 1 "_unit createUnit" 5 "closeDisplay" !="((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 9000);" 1 "rJIPrequest =" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'" 1 "RUSTLER" 1 "Ruslter" 1 "Systems Online" 1 "HangenderRE" 1 "vilegaming" 1 "Lystic" 1 "setDammage" 1 "@TheWarZ" 1 "beeeh" 1 "dayz-injector-menu" 1 "Shadowy_NONRE" 1 "_cute" 1 "_stuff" 1 "_vgmenu" 1 "_func4" 1 "_genVar" 1 "_rand60" 1 "_first_term" 1 "_skarmory" 1 "_salamence" 1 "Init RE" 1 "Nigger" 1 "action_crate1" 1 "_dummyveh" 1 "try saving" 1 "setDamage -" 1 "setDamage +" 1 cutrsc !="layer == player)};\nwaituntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};\n5 cutRsc [\"wm_disp\",\"PLAIN\"];\n((uiNamespace getVariable \"wm_disp\") di" !="cutRsc ['rscDynamicText', 'PLAIN'];" !=";\n_displayText = {\nprivate [\"_display\",\"_textLine\"];\n4099999 cutrsc [\"RSC_DZ_Messages\",\"plain\"];\n_display = uinamespace getvaria" !="holdBreath select 0) or (_turboKey select 0)) then {\n4100002 cutRsc [\"DZ_BlackScreen\",\"PLAIN\"];\n(uiNamespace getVariable \"DZ_Bla" !="Completed)}) then {\nif (toLower DZE_UI == \"vanilla\") then {3 cutRsc ['playerStatusGUI','PLAIN',3];} else {3 cutRsc ['playerStatu" !=cameraView in [\"INTERNAL\",\"EXTERNAL\",\"GUNNER\]) then {\n80000 cutRsc [\"DZ_GroupIcons\",\"PLAIN\"];\n\n_display = uiNamespace getVariab" !="= _y;\n_y = _array select 0;\n_h = _array select 1;\n};\n\n_layer cutrsc [\"rscDynamicText\",\"plain\"];\n\n_display = uinamespace getvaria" !="\"ca\modules_e\functions\GUI\fn_infoText.sqf\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3100 cutrsc [\"rscInfoText\",\"plain\"];\n\n\n\n_text = _this;\n_textArrayUnicode" !="Group;\ndeleteGroup _myGroup;\n80000 cutText [\"\",\"PLAIN\"]; \n\n3 cutRsc [\"default\", \"PLAIN\",3];\n4 cutRsc [\"default\", \"PLAIN\",3];\n\n_b" 1 setVehicleInit 1 createTeam 1 Waypoint !="oiter;\n_newDest = nil;\n_movingTo = _myDest;\n_array = [];\n_waypoint = [];\n\n_agentReset = false;\n\n_bodyStay = 60;\n\n_agent disab" 1 createUnit !="roup);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_group = createGroup west;\n_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\",[],0,\"NONE\"];\n_newUnit" !="eGroup sideLogic;\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [\"Logic\", [1000,10,0], [], 0, \"NONE\"];\npublicVariable \"BIS" 1 markerText !=", [0,0,0]]) setMarkerText (_this select 0);\n PVAH_AdminReq = [69,player];publicVa" !="\n_marker setMarkerTypeLocal \"DestroyedVehicle\";\n_marker setMarkerTextLocal format [\"%1\",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else " !="\"SupplyVehicle\";\n_vm setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8];\n_vm setMarkerTextLocal format[\" %1\", getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >>" 1 addMPEventHandler Thanks again for reading! Jnkbller
  18. Oh okay, I was looking for it on the addons page! How much is it and when do you think it will be available? Thanks! Jnkbller
  19. Hi Steven, Do you guys install this stuff for a fee? Thanks! Jnkbller
  20. Yep, this is the one I tried to install a few times. I think I am having trouble with adding the Battleye filters to the script.txt file. My script.txt file looks nothing like the example. Where they say to add this line: 5 createDialog <CUT> !="_dialog = createDialog \"BankDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"GivePlayerDialog\";" and one other line, my file looks nothing like this. All of the lines start with a 1 and there is no createDialog line at all. I added it but I don't know if I got it right. The other thing is that when adding Global Banking, it says to edit the infiSTARS AHConfig.sqf file but I either can't find it or don't have access to it. After I followed the install instructions, my server was reading the mission file until it time out and then it returned a Battleye Restriction #13 error message. Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks so much for reading and responding! Jnkbller
  21. Just wondering if anyone has been able to get Coins and Global Banking working on their Survival Servers Epoch server? I've tried to install it a couple of times with no luck. I could use a good example of a successful mission and server PBO if anyone is willing. Also an example of the scripts.txt battleye filter if possible. Thanks! Jnkbller
  22. I have submitted a ticket for this: #412287. All I want for Christmas is to be able to use the Antihack on my 1.8.8 Server...
  23. Did you submit a support ticket? SS is usually pretty responsive, especially to issues like this one. That should be your next step. Also, what map are you running and what errors are you getting? Are the errors displayed on the screen or in your RPT log?
  24. Hey there, No loot and sparse zombie spawning sounds like a serious problem. I wouldn't know how to fix that in the PBOs so if it was up to me I would reinstall the map (If it's not a problem to wipe the database) and start from scratch. Or, you might try exporting your current database, reinstalling the map, and then importing your database back in using phpMyAdmin. If you aren't comfortable doing those things then you should submit a trouble ticket through the support page. Jnkbller