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Everything posted by jstoffa

  1. Please tell me that was an AdFoc.us shortened link. I mean I figure high probability since it gets a 404 error now.
  2. jstoffa

    Support tickets

    I'm in the same boat. Ryan is usually pretty good about getting everything working. That said I got a little salty when he closed my thread and told me something wasn't the case that I've reproduced multiple times. Put in another ticket. That's what I'm doing. These cats are doing everything they can. I imagine Ryan is banging out code to automate the deployment himself. Something I couldn't do as fast as short a period of time and certainly not over the holiday.
  3. Now it seems everytime I upload new map images and my custom GridServer.json and try to restart my server it goes and fetches Survival Services defaults. Interestingly enough my GridServer.json is the same (hasn't been overwritten) are you pulling data from a json at some other location? *edit* Yep, you guys are definitely rewriting any custom files. Now my initial custom map is gone. Luckily I used one of the original islands and that is where my players are at. Any idea when we'll be able to implement our own custom maps and get them clustered?
  4. I'm trying to load a custom ServerGrid.json. If I reset template wouldn't I go back to the default 4x4? I'm not getting an error message the servers just fail to start. I think it may be the fact that I'm putting the WorldAtlasID as the Atlas ID. I will test more later once my server population dies down and update here. Thanks for the response Ryan!
  5. I've been trying to figure this out for days. I've taken the ServerGridSmall.json file and loaded it into the editor and then modified it. I saved the project as ServerGrid.json and export all the images. I then FTP the images into the ServerGrid folder. I manually modified the ServerGrid.json: 1. Changed WorldFriendlyName to my server name. 2. Changed WorldAtlasId to one I randomly generated using the (i) button next to AtlasID. 3. Deleted the two URLS and left them as empty strings. 4. Changed totalGridsX and totalGridsY each to 2. 5. In the servers array I changed the MachineIdTags to reflect the positions - SS_00 for 0, 0 etc. 6. Changed the ips to the ips of each of my respective survival servers. 7. Changed the ports xxxx6 for port, xxxx5 for gameport, and xxxx7 for seamlessDataPort. 8. Set ishomeServer to true for 00 and false for the rest. 9. I've then replaced the ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json from all my servers with the one from my original 00 server. 10. I've used the web control panel and set the worldId to my random generated one and I've set the grids accordingly for each server. I've checked these like a million times and they are the same as the ip/grid combinations in my ServerGrid.json file(s). I've started all the servers but none will load successfully. Any ideas? I do not want to use the defualt 2x2, its a POS in my opinion (4 of the same island on the same grid... etc.), I also don't want to lose all the structures my players have built. Notes My server set to grid 0,0 is from my preorder that I made on the day the game was supposed to launch. I've been able to modify that map and have players playing on it with no problems. I'm using all the Redis server for my cluster. Ie I'm pointing all the servers in my cluster to those databases. I'm aware of the editors json parsing error and have successfully worked around it. Look for the offending "[" and "]" in "spawnerOverrides" and change them to "{}". Then after you've edited the map and saved it you can switch them back.
  6. This isn't a reliable solution. I'm trying to connect to both of my servers (both hosted on Survival Servers) through the in-game list and I'm getting the infinity loading screen and my GPU is getting exericised ~99% usage. I know this game just got released but it would be nice if Snail Games and/or Ryan could figure these issues out.
  7. How do we go about restarting the server with a new map seed?