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Everything posted by NosajTrah

  1. I have chose custom map, put in the Map ID of 804312798 and am using this custom parameters but server just saying Loading forever: CrystalIsles?Multihome=XX.XXX.XXX.X?Port=20215?QueryPort=20216?SessionName=Arkhaeologists PvE (5x All, Mods) Fun-For-All?MaxPlayers=10?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXXXXXXXX?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=20217?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk16018?MapModID=804312798?GameModIDs=731604991,733902146,774762563,760067652,916807417 What am I doing wrong?
  2. Ok we are switching to the Scorched Earth map today, I just backed up my saved ark folder and now want to switch the map and start completely over, what all folders do I need to delete to accomplish this?
  3. We just all bought Scorched Earth and want to run it on the server but we want to play The Island also depending on the day. Can I go into settings, change map, reboot and play without losing everything on the other map? And can go back in forth daily without issues?
  4. Right now we are maxing out at level 85, what setting sets max level higher?