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  1. Hello all, I've been trying to get a custom map in my server from the rust:IO map database http://playrust.io/map/?Procedural%20Map_6000_2147422222 But it seems that it is not working, I've tried to add the Worldsize + the world seed in the controlpanel but doesn't seem to do anything (also deleted the old map first) Anyone got a idea how to make it work ?
  2. Hello, I've just got my server and now i'm trying to get the valhalla map running and working but it doesn't seem te work some how i've done everything the info says i should do. Launch Parameters line : /Game/Mods/504122600/Valhalla?Multihome= nl/en new pvp server 7x taming/exp 10x gathering ?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=22617?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk14964