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  1. I was wondering if there was a debug monitor that shows the gun you're holding? If so, could you please list the code down below. My current code: waitUntil {alive player}; while {true} do { _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0]; hintSilent parseText format [" Aundre's Epoch Survived %2 Days Players Online: %3 Murders: %4 Bandits Killed: %5 Zombies Killed: %6 Humanity: %7 Blood: %8 FPS: %9 Restart in %10 Minutes ", dayz_playerName,(dayz_Survived),(count playableUnits),_killsH,_killsB,_kills,round _humanity,r_player_blood,(round diag_fps),(round(240-(serverTime) / 60)) ]; sleep 1; };
  2. I was wondering if there was a debug monitor that shows the gun you're holding? If so, could you please list the code down below. My current code: waitUntil {alive player}; while {true} do { _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0]; hintSilent parseText format [" Aundre's Epoch Survived %2 Days Players Online: %3 Murders: %4 Bandits Killed: %5 Zombies Killed: %6 Humanity: %7 Blood: %8 FPS: %9 Restart in %10 Minutes ", dayz_playerName,(dayz_Survived),(count playableUnits),_killsH,_killsB,_kills,round _humanity,r_player_blood,(round diag_fps),(round(240-(serverTime) / 60)) ]; sleep 1; };
  3. On my server, no vehicles are spawning. I have edited them in the DayZTools, but they aren't there. If you could help, please do -Aundre P.S - I was looking at the player menus, and I saw here I could drag and drop a player, but it bring them back to there original location. Any help (Along with vehicles!)
  4. I'm wondering if there are any tutorials on how to use DayZTools, etc. I'm new to these kind of things. Thanks for your time.