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  1. Vanilla+ Upgraded Init.c with Commands KillFeed, Stats, Global chat, Moderation and Player Database. No mods required I will no longer be managing DayZ servers, so I decided to gift my work for the community. Feel free to share, credits appreciated. You can find the code in github: https://github.com/johnnypush/DayZVanillaInit Features KillFeed - [[KillFeed]] Vladimir was killed by Swain with BK-18. /killfeed on /killfeed off Stats /stats - [[Stats]] Name: Vladimir | Kills: 2 | Deaths: 1 | K/D Ratio: 2.0 | KillFeed Status: Enabled Global chat /chat global /chat local Moderation ?mute perm Vladimir ?mute disable Vladimir ?mute 10 Vladimir ?mute 120 Vladimir System Information Configuration Attached to this github repository you will find different config files: These files will be automatically generated by the init.c file under the following locations: DayZServer\config\adminConfig.json DayZServer\config\sysConfig.json DayZServer\config\playersConfig.json sysConfig.json { "autoSaveMinutes": "4", "kickPlayersOnDuplicateName": "1", "debug_enabled": "0", "serverRestartMinutes": "384", "killFeedNotifyMinutes": "1" } playersConfig.json { "VXnOuYpHqFaaaaaL0dpsEtJnlp3WI9nJdZoTtb8xf-E=": { "deaths": "2", "killFeedOn": "true", "kills": "0", "localChat": "false", "lastConnection": "2023-02-14", "name": "Swain" }, "yUTZ5Pjjaaaaaa3KyVVZAtJ4gsftQSiDxhXeHESCEUs=": { "name": "Jinx", "killFeedOn": "false", "localChat": "false", "kills": "0", "lastConnection": "2023-03-03", "deaths": "0" }, "wGx7jraaaaaaTC17nqdWKjVNT4POtOqWCZc1ktVpi84=": { "deaths": "1", "killFeedOn": "true", "kills": "3", "localChat": "false", "lastConnection": "2023-03-03", "name": "Singed" } } adminConfig.json { "modPlayers": "VXnOuYpHqFaaaaaL0dpsEtJnlp3WI9nJdZoTtb8xf yUTZ5Pjjaaaaaa3KyVVZAtJ4gsftQSiDxhXeHESCEUs", "adminPlayers": "", "mutedPlayers": "wGx7jraaaaaaTC17nqdWKjVNT4POtOqWCZc1ktVpi84" }