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Everything posted by TopArkServers

  1. Feb 9, 2016 edit - this method is no longer a viable way of connecting to servers after the implementation of BattlEye steam://connect commands no longer work. We are #1 ARK server ranking site where you can vote, comment, view current players and check server stats for just about every ARK server that exist. We also provide community tools, ARK news, ARK guides and much more. http://toparkservers.com What we offer you - Voting System ( Our voting system allows players to vote or dislike a server) - Comments ( Have your members comment and let others know how great your server is) - Find ARK Servers ( Finding an ARK server is easy, simply search by server name, IP, Map. You can even search offline servers) - Stats ( We provide stats for every server in our database) - Sponsor Features ( All servers have the option to be sponsored and anyone can sponsor a server! If you have a community, just a few dollars can get you sponsored and displayed on the front page of our site) - Professional Staff ( Our staff is online anytime you need help ) - Weekly Random Sponsors ( Members who have a claimed server are automatically added to our random sponsor database. Kinda like a lottery except it's really random =) - Free ARK server giveaways ( Follow us on Twitter for more info, we already gave a 1 year - 100man ARK server away) - Link Exchange (Partnering with us is easy) Claiming a server Before claiming a server you must first create an account with us. Once you have created an account you will have access to server claiming options in "My Account". To claim a server you must use your IP address and the " QUERY PORT " number. Example : , the query port is usually +1 digit to the last number in your port. So to claim your server, you would use the following <------ We added +1 to the orginal port. Stop waiting around and claim your server today!