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  1. __**DAYZEND Chernarus DayZ server for Playstation**__ — FRESH WIPE 11.03.22 !!! — DAYZEND is back and better than ever! With new major adjustments and added extras DAYZEND is back ready to take over! DAYZEND was ranked in the TOP 5 on NITRADO rankings DAYZEND is looking to welcome survivors of all types and could be a great place for you and your friends to come and make your long term home and enjoy DAYZ the way it should be enjoyed! The DAYZEND server will wipe every 4-5 Months unless forced to wipe by bohemia in line with game updates __**THINGS DAYZEND HAS TO OFFER:**__ - 1.15 update complete - Unlimited stamina - Custom made areas - Slight less chance of rain - Build anywhere mod - Full/High Pop - 50 SLOTS CHERNARUS SERVER - WEEKEND PURGE - PURGE BREAKS - AN ACTIVE, FRIENDLY, DEDICATED AND EXPERIENCED TEAM OF STAFF - LARGE FACTIONS (6 MIN) - BOOSTED ANIMAL SPAWNS - TRADER/SAFEZONE STAFFED BY PLAYERS - LIVE AND UP TO DATE KILLFEED - BASE PINGS - DISCORD CURRENCY - BOUNTIES/BOUNTY TRACKING - 1v1 Arena - WEEKLY EVENTS BOTH - GMT - EST TIMES - SAFE ZONES - SETTLEMENTS - JOBS - WHITELIST __**JOBS INCLUDE:**__ - GZ POLICE - TRADER - EVENT MANAGEMENT TEAM - MODERATION - TAXI DRIVERS - GRAPHICS DESIGNERS - SERVER ADVERTISING TEAM https://discord.gg/nvUeTYDU