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Everything posted by Twickz83

  1. All you have to do is hit that little "?" under launch params & it will give you the proper command line you just need to add what you want.
  2. steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594821545177819162/
  3. No, 2 is twice as resistant to damage......
  4. Yes, you need to restart. Try 1.5,1.25 etc...
  5. There is a plugin you can add that is posted on the forum here somewhere but you could just turn up StructureResistanceMultiplier=.
  6. Multipliers, if you want a faster/higher setting you go above 1. Scale, lower than 1 to slow down & higher to speed up.
  7. Sure it does, Its just about half way down the table. Taming speed, XP modifier etc.
  8. "New options for ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini (these can also be passed in as commandline): New as of 179.0: [serverSettings] TamingSpeedMultiplier=1 HarvestAmountMultiplier=1 PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1 PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier = 1 PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier = 1 DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier = 1 PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier = 1 DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier = 1 DinoCountMultiplier=1 HarvestHealthMultiplier = 1 PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod = 0 [serverSettings] MaxStructuresInRange=1300.000000 DayCycleSpeedScale=1 NightTimeSpeedScale=1 DayTimeSpeedScale=1 DinoDamageMultiplier=1 TamedDinoDamageMultiplier=1 PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.000000 StructureDamageMultiplier=1.000000 PlayerResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 DinoResistanceMultiplier=1 TamedDinoResistanceMultiplier=1 StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 XPMultiplier=1.000000 New options for ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\Game.ini (these can NOT be passed in as commandline, only supported via the INI): New as of 179.0: [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] DinoSpawnWeightMultipliers=(DinoNameTag=Bronto,SpawnWeightMultiplier=10.0,OverrideSpawnLimitPercentage=true,SpawnLimitPercentage=0.5) DinoSpawnWeightMultipliers=(DinoNameTag=Raptor,SpawnWeightMultiplier=0.1,OverrideSpawnLimitPercentage=false) [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] OverrideEngramEntries=(EngramIndex=0,EngramHidden=true) OverrideEngramEntries=(EngramIndex=1,EngramHidden=false,EngramPointsCost=10,EngramLevelRequirement=15,RemoveEngramPreReq=false) OverrideEngramEntries=(EngramIndex=2,EngramHidden=false,EngramPointsCost=5,EngramLevelRequirement=20,RemoveEngramPreReq=true)"
  9. The first section says "Can be changed Through Command Line", I wondering if that is the start up params. The second section says that they have to be changed through the ini. In the first section, is the taming speed & some other stuff.
  10. I understand that. I would prefer to do it in the start params if i can, I dont like messing with the ini's. I'm just asking if thats possible. Edit: Also, I cant access FTP for some reason. sent in a support ticket & cant find the ticket now :/. Server#6552
  11. Are these server settings that say they can be put in the command line mean they can be put in the start up parameters? i.e. Taming Time http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594821545178117961/
  12. Would be nice to get some info on whats going on instead of being left in the dark. Are these problems going to persist?
  13. Soo, Is this getting resolved? I also am having this issue & 8hrs later, still nothing. Any info from support would be nice. Ticket #762172