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Everything posted by ZebraCakes92

  1. SafeZone=(Name="PVE Trade1", X=60375.67084078712, Y=-125596.302921884310, Radius=0.2, BoxingDamageHandlingMethod=0, MeleeWeaponDamageHandlingMethod=0, ThrowingDamageHandlingMethod=0, ProjectileDamageHandlingMethod=0, ExplosiveDamageHandlingMethod=0, DamageToBasesHandlingMethod=0, DamageToVehiclesHandlingMethod=0, PuppetDamageHandlingMethod=0, VehicleDamageHandlingMethod=0, PlayerLockpickingHandlingMethod=0, WorldLockpickingHandlingMethod=0) This is the setting I have for a safe zone but I am still able to dmg people??? Why is safe zones not working???
  2. Toxic Rain Server X5 loot Increased Zeds 0 Mechs IP Friends Family welcome 20 slots. My scum server want and need players!! Lets have fun!! our discord is https://discord.gg/UvRY3SqLonger days as well as Increased zeds will adjust as needed and they do less dmg to compensate for the amount increased.I encourage pvp and enjoy it I also will join in the action when ever I can no admin abuse just pure fun!!!Plan to add mods soon as possible.I am open to suggestions to make this server fun and make it better to all of yalls liking.I understand there is tons of servers out there to choose from but I plan to dedicate my time to make this server open and fun for everyone who joins also I know scum has been out for a while I plan to keep it updated and always keep it up for maximum fun!I am looking for admins to help with keeping the server fun safe and free of hackers as well. I plan to add more slots as needed.I also want to add events that make the game challenging and fresh open to ideas on this as well.I have plans for possible random PVP zones per week or something along those lines or keep the whole server pvp depends on what players like.New server all so im open for more ideas!!! Come join me and lets Kick some Scum ass This is a US based server located in Newyork.