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  1. Do we need to send you the modified assembly on the support ticket, or do you guys take care of that.
  2. Literally just saw this thread: which answers this issue. Although it would be nice to be able to change it through server settings instead!
  3. According to this Reddit thread there is a way to increase bandwidth by modifying the DLL files "Grab dnspy and open the assembly_valheim.dll file in valheim_Data or valheim_server_Data. Find ZDOMan inside the assembly. Find m_dataPerSec, right click, edit class, change the value to something larger. Maybe just add a 0 to the end. Click compile in the lower right of the class editor window. Go to File -> Save Module." I don't think there is a way for me to change these dll files and then upload them as is to the server I am renting. Is there anyway we can have the option to increase it through customer support? Perhaps leaving the option and then having you guys change it server side. It seems easy enough to do from client side, but almost impossible to modify these from the rented servers.