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Everything posted by D1Z1

  1. Any update on this? Unable to use my server due to not being out
  2. Is there anyway you could spare some time and replace the files for me Vladick? if I gave you my FTP info etc, It would be greatly appreciated but I understand if you can't
  3. I can't seem to get it to work sadly I have no idea how to manually install it, and the support suggested I downloaded 1.8.4 untill they catch up with their backlog, but sadly my launcher won't download 1.8.4 I get some error while about 36% in, so It looks like i'm stuck
  4. That's a shame I'm still awaiting support on this matter, It also says access denied when I try and log into ticket support..
  5. I've sent Ryan a message, hopefully it will help. I never got a configuring page part nor did I close out of it so it's strange also the live chat seems to be offline, is this normal?
  6. Not sure if it counts as a mod (Probably does) But I ordered the anti hack with the admin tools, also yes I did put in a ticket but there was no installation page
  7. Hi there, Yesterday I bought and paid for a server (Invoice ID# 13311) And I was just wondering when it will be up ? Thank you