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Everything posted by moxietown

  1. I don't have an option for any kind of map control anywhere on my control panel. Is it in a hidden file path/hard to find?
  2. I don't have an option for any kind of map control anywhere on my control panel. Is it in a hidden file path/hard to find?
  3. Hi, does anyone have a way to spawn vehicles using a map from the server page? I had a DayZ.st server and they had a pretty sweet admin tool that you could left click anywhere you wanted on the map to spawn a vehicle. It also tracked players in real time, with the ability to edit load outs, change starting load out, and also move players/vehicles around in real time. I am just wondering if anyone has any idea of how to create a tool for this, download something and link it, or what! Thanks! Happy new year Chuck
  4. Hi, does anyone have a way to spawn vehicles using a map from the server page? I had a DayZ.st server and they had a pretty sweet admin tool that you could left click anywhere you wanted on the map to spawn a vehicle. It also tracked players in real time, with the ability to edit load outs, change starting load out, and also move players/vehicles around in real time. I am just wondering if anyone has any idea of how to create a tool for this, download something and link it, or what! Thanks! Happy new year Chuck