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Everything posted by aznshootest

  1. Has anyone ran into the issue of the server starting up without the Valheim+ mod enabled for some reason? Everything looked fine but I have my server restarting daily early in the morning. When I logged in from waking up, the Valheim+ mod wasn't active on the server, even though the Control Panel on here showed it was. It resulted in me loosing anything I had stacked in chest above the actual base limit of the game =\ Now I'm afraid the next time the server reset happens, it'll launch without Valheim+ and I lose my ores and stuff again. Is there anything specific I need to do to ensure that the server launches with Valheim+ beyond making sure its selected under the Mod section of the Control Panel?
  2. Has anyone figured out the save function to work properly? I have my server up for 7 hours or so and I checked the FTP server with the world save, and it looks to have a timestamp that is no where near the current time and is hours behind (calculating based off of the hour time not changing for couple hours on the date modified column) Also, has anyone figured out what timezone the timestamps on the FTP is? The recommended post says it saves 30 mins, but doesn't look like it. I've tried using the "save" command via console since I set myself as admin, but I don't see it being reflected in the FTP. Does the server have to be empty for it to initiate a save or something?