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Posts posted by merlin777

  1. sorry, was MIA for a day or so,


    did you happen to remove anything before that error? or add?

    Also, did you copy your Arma2 into your Arma2OA by chance?

    Lot of times, it is a define issue and the batch can't read.

    Let me know.

    Actually, when you get a chance go into your steam and into your games list.

    right click on Arma2 verify cache integrity, (do same for DayZmod and Arma0a2)

    Launch Arma2. let it load up to the menu than exit. Do same for Armaoa2.


    Afterwards join any game with similar mods (i.e. map type and dayz version)


    If you get the same error


    let me know on top of the other questions i asked.


    sorry, it's hard to troubleshoot and wait.


    If you don't mind you can always post your mission.sqm file up here (zip it), i will check to see if those files are still in there or the count on the items are wrong

  2. well  my dayz launcher doesnt work i would be using that maybe you could help me you better than the friggin support. okay here is the error .  z/addons/dayz_code,/configs/cfgworlds/intro.dayzmod/mission.sqm/intro/groups/item16/vehicles/item0.vehicles:vehicle class uh1 wreck_dz no longer exists.... 

    sorry, was MIA for a day or so,


    did you happen to remove anything before that error? or add?

    Also, did you copy your Arma2 into your Arma2OA by chance?

    Lot of times, it is a define issue and the batch can't read.

    Let me know.

  3. has anyone actually used this option in server Adavance Launch Parameters?? and if so how did it work out for you any feed back would be awesome. like is there options i need to turn off or anything special i need to do for it

    Advanced Launch Parameters

    Are you refering to the option in the Control Panel? Where it says Ark Update (Automatic)?

    I keep that enabled. But I also have a server restart time, so everytime it restarts (they take lot longer) it updates what it needs to.

    If that is not what you are referring to, than my bad.

  4. I see lot of comments on Servers recently purchased not showing up in DayzLauncher.



    I had this issue long ago and recently with few other games. This will help speed things up for those who do not know.

    For why this happens, the mystery remains within the magical wizard and server companies and arma.


    This may not resolve it immediately, however give this a try and give it few minutes 10-30 minutes. it's a wide range, however it does depend.



    NOTE:If you are using Survival Launcher, than this idea is not for you, they are (i can only assume) directly connected, Survival Launcher is a pretty nice system if you don't have it, i would recommend to the new comer.



    Stick with Similar products: You can get the SurvivalLauncher here. The Team came up with some pretty cool gadgets and unlike DayzLauncher, SurvivalLauncher includes, Arma2, Arma3 and Ark in one. It's pretty nifty and is updated.


    Nonetheless, you may just be eager to play so try this below.

    1. Take your ip from your control panel and type it into the field: HERE
    2. Look at your PORT number the one that looks like :2302 or whatever number on end.
    3. Because of the new ID and constant reused IP, you may have to +1 on rare occasions -1
    4. So if you have a port with :2303  add 1 (2304).

    As always, if after 30minutes your server is still not showing up, always submit a support ticket, but during the time you wait for replies especially at strange hours, try the above, it is harmless.




    One thing I forgot to mention is you can also find the Steam Query Port assigned to your server through the FTP client.

    As long as you can access it, you can find this information in the server.cfg file in your Admin Folder.


    sometimes the ports are completely different

  5. I am posting this to make it searchable for newbies.

    If you are always unsure of adding mods, make sure you put in a support ticket and just purchase the mod install, this ensures the server works properly.


    Installing AI Missions is Simple.


    1. Download your Server.PBO from the Control Panel, and unpack your PBO

    2. Download WAI 2.2.0 Attached to this post

    3. Extract Zipped Folder

    4. Copy WAI folder into the main directory of your Server PBO

    5. Go to your system folder in the server directory and open server_monitor.sqf with Notepad ++

    6. Scroll to the bottom until you see


        allowConnection = true;    
        sm_done = true;
        publicVariable "sm_done";


    7. Above allowConnection = true; paste this

        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf";


    Save, pack your pbo with some pbo manager. I use CPBO.


    And upload and restart.


    The config.sqf file in your WAI missions is where you can edit how your AI behaves. Remember to always save a copy.


  6. i don't want to put any games on my os drive all i am asking is when you click settings and click on file path settings it wants a file path to my ssd drive [D] i don't know how to type it in shouldn't survival launcher let me do that without moving my games? i just don't want to do that it messes up my system of orginization that i spent a good bit of time doing is there any other way?

    Oh sorry, i must have misunderstood that you were using the survival launcher. I dont really use it, it's just easier for me to use the reg dayzlauncher.


    I know you want the ssd to have the common folder (which contains all your games). But you have to specify that in your launcher (put the path directory there), however, the way steam reads games, it has batch and run files that are associated with that specific path. Separating the lock from the key and using a wire to connect them is what you are essentially doing.


    It's not worth the time, i also never tried that, so i can only assume all your games will have issues reading back to the other drive.

  7. I forgot to mention that the update stock daily event is only used for the non mission traders. This means that if your traders are configured in your mission pbo because you're using the coin system, that specific event is useless as it only updates the traders in the mysql.

    I thought all Trader inventory is (updated) unlimited replenishment for all Epoch and Non EPOCH versions? ) i.e. overpoch,origins.

    I also, know that just simply adding the CFG into the mission pbo for EPOCH ONLY, and changing the server_traders call from the init.sqf overrides the use of the database for inventory.


    I like your setup it's very organized though. good stuff.


    Thanks for the information

  8. Servers take up to 30minutes to sometimes show up in the list just an fyi, sometimes longer.

    Best way to go about getting it faster is to add the server to the list manually through Dayz Launcher


    What ever your server ip is and the port number either +1 or -1. So if your port number is 2302, try 2301 or 2303. This is a query port that is added to the list for the launcher to find.


    This works for me everytime i had a new server

  9. I recently purchased a server from this site. Upon the purchase the server was not working and I could not connect. After numerous amounts of talking through a support ticket I could finally join. The mods were later installed and now I can't join again. Every time I join I get stuck on receiving mission file at either 61KB or 71KB? I tried filling out a support ticket but its going on the second day and I haven't been able to play. :( Any help would be appreciated. 

    can you post here what mods you put in, a server ip so i can at least try to connect.


    list what mods you put in and how

  10. I noticed by default the Flip Vehicle script only works on larger vehicles (which most of us use), requiring 2 people.


    A simple look into the fnselfactions.sqf file can change it from 2 to 1 person needing to be near the vehicle.


    look for this section:

            if(_isVehicle) then {
                //flip vehicle small vehicles by your self && all other vehicles with help nearby
                if (!(canmove _cursorTarget) && (player distance _cursorTarget >= 2) && (count (crew _cursorTarget))== 0 && ((vectorUp _cursorTarget) select 2) < 0.5) then {
                    _playersNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 6]);
                    if(_isVehicletype || (_playersNear >= 2)) then {
                        _player_flipveh = true;    


    Where it says _playersNear>= 2, you will want to change that number to a 1.


    PBO and upload to panel. Or change through FTP.


    Now you can flip all vehicles without the help from another person. All ground vehicles and some tanks.



  11. I noticed a slight issue with the Napf Overpoch Origins map safezones.

    Many of them are in the wrong area.

    I compiled some coordinates to the major trader areas you can either copy and paste or just use the file associated with it, i only changed the coordinates in this file.


    Navigate to EPOCHMODS in your mission folder you downloaded or FTP, go to the folder called "Safe"

    Around line 17 you should see the list of coordinates, highlight the coordinates and copy paste into the selection what i have below




        [[8246.3184,15485.867],50,true],// Lenzburg
        [[15506.952,13229.368],100,true],// Emmen
        [[12399.751,5074.5273],75,true],// Schratten
        [[10398.626,8279.4619],50,true],// Bandit camp
        [[5149.9814,4864.1191],50,true],// Hero vendor
        [[2122.7954,7807.9878],50,true],// Wholesaler 1
        [[5379.0342,16103.187],50,true],// Wholesaler 2
        [[6772.8877,16983.27],50,true],// Boat dealer 1
        [[16839.973,5264.0566],50,true]// Boat dealer 2  


    Or you may overwrite your file with mine. Just drag and drop.


    This is all assuming you have notepad++ and a compiler like cPBO or PBO manager.


  12. i have 2 drives my os which i keep mostly empty so my pc runs a bit better and is uncluutered with mods and i added a ssd drive so i put all my games there and i dont know how to write a path to my drive to my common folder and i dont want to redownload to my os drive so yeah this is what i have i looked up how to do and i thinks its different this is how i wrote the path    D:\Steam Games DOWNLOAD HERE/steamapps/common is that wrong or what?

    First off, you can't have multidirectional brackets: \\\\ /////

    Secondly ido you have steam installed on the SSD drive or did you install it on your reg drive?

    Thirdly did you try the steam directory change i posted above?


    From Yesterday:

    From Steam changing directory:

    Head to Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders and click “Add Library Folder”. Navigate to your new Steam library folder and create a new folder within it called steamapps . Then, create a folder in steamapps called common . Head to your current Steam folder and find the folder for the game you want to move


    Seems it would be easier to recreate it on the drive you would like than all your mods should download to that area.

  13. I figured it out it had something to do with the BPO packer I used I used one to unpack it and another one to re pack it and this made it screw up.


    thanks for the help guys

    Sorry didnt get to you sooner.

    Dont forget to keep copies of backups.

    before you do any changes always save a copy. I have a folder called ArmaBackup. But, i can't stress that enough. Also only upload one mod at a time and test each one. It's slow this way but you will find mistakes faster.


    Good luck.

  14. okay so let me clear this up how do i set up my common path so i can download my mods to my Arma 2 OA folder


    I guess i am not understanding the question.

    1. Do you have the game already installed? : If so reinstall select another drive

    2. What mods? :if you are using the survivalservers launcher or dayz launcher mods, they automatically go into the steam directory/common/etc... (there is also a setting in both that lets you change the path in settings, but you have to have steam recognize it also. I would start over)


    If it's neither above only thing i can think of you want is the directory changed.

    Below is tips from Steam


    From Steam changing directory:

    Head to Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders and click “Add Library Folder”. Navigate to your new Steam library folder and create a new folder within it called steamapps . Then, create a folder in steamapps called common . Head to your current Steam folder and find the folder for the game you want to move

  15. I'm geting this error in my RPT and getting stuck on wait for host.


    ErrorMessage: Include file z\addons\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf not found.


    Which i dont understand because it's being #included properly in my mision init. The file path is correct also the syntax is too. I'm really at a loss here.. Any help would be much appreciated.


    edit: I think it may be an issue with PBO manager not packing the PBO correctly but im not completely sure.  If it is PBO manager not packing correctly is all my work lost? Do i have to start over with fresh PBO's?

    no just repack the PBO. is the init.sqf in that folder?

    just because you add the # in there doesnt mean it will find it. It has to be within the same folder for it to work that way and it also has to be defined. I would change how you call that file

  16. How are you uploading the mods? Are you stopping the server first? Are you adding them into the control panel? Do not alter your gameuserinit with this control panel. Do not alter anything do with mods. All you need to do, is stop the server, upload the mod to your mods folder, (i use filezilla), make sure it is in the folder by rechecking. Some mods take long time to transfer. Add that mod number to your control panel mod id list no commas unless you have multiple mods. There should never be a comma at the end like you posted.

    Disconnect from filezilla and restart your server via the bottom button Update Restart.


    Make sure mods are correct numbers. You will have to sometimes start the game and wait for the mods to download still. They all go through a system check and updates unless you uncheck the boxes. So give it time.


    Also if you are having issues just get a hold of the staff, Ryan is more than helpful. Just be nice to the staff they work very hard.

  17. Here are the recommended (by me) tools you will need to mod files or just change some numeric values/true/false in config files. Let's begin.


    If you don't like some of the tools like 7zip, you can use winrar however, with being a coder for many years not just gaming, i recommend 7zip amongst winrar. 7zip is faster, lighter, safer and accurate. Winrar is heavy and slow and sloppy. Tools are very important to the user, much like regular tools are for plumbers/electricians. they all have a system standard of tools they all agree upon - you will never see a Good Mechanic with tools from Harborfreight tools company. You will see Craftsman, Snap-on and Husky. Likewise goes for computer users/coders. To each his own. But universally there is a standard.


    1. Notepad ++ //This is better than notepad or wordpad because it organizes everything neatly and has coding functions. This is the tool most PHP programmers,Java,HTML,CSS use to get things done. This is your best friend.


    2. 7-zip //the best open source free full use of program that does more than unzip. It's features have never been topped by any software yet.


    3. Cpbo and Pbo managers. There are two inconsistencies. That is how they unpack and pack pbo's. Both sides of the users agree the other is crap lol. So this you will learn as you use it. Personally i find Cpbo to work for me. Others find PBO manager to work better. And vice versa. How you choose is up to you and how it works for you. i included both links.


    4. ImageResizer for Windows. You will need this right click context added tool to your windows to resize images you create for your loading or splash screen. It is by far the simplest and fastest tool to use. It is also extremely convenient and safe. I will also include an attachment incase the link in the paragraph does not work.


    5. Avast antivirus. Probably the fastest lightest most secure system out there that allows Real Time private browsing and free internet protection. It also lets you put it on silent gaming mode so you are not disturbed. Keep using the free version it works best. Also if you sign up with avast, you can post links to your account on Facebook or wherever, and if you get 7 people to download and install it, you will get 1yr Free Full program protection. 14 gives you 2 years and I believe some 21 gets your 3 years. THATS A DEAL I WOULD NOT PASS UP!


    Learn your Survival Servers Control panel. Watch the videos, ask questions and get involved in the community. Even if you are from another company, get on here get your friends on here and get everyone involved and build the Epoch Community for future gamers and games.


    -Thanks for reading




    This mod has all the stuff you need for a service point/station to work on your server with minimal virtually no coding experience.


    Step 1: Download Attachment (mine included has free service stations)

    Step 2: Unzip and put the "service_point" Folder into your custom folder in your mission root. (if you do not have a custom folder right click and make one, name it custom)

    Step 3: open your init.sqf and look for this area:

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    //Conduct map operations
    0 fadeSound 0;
    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"};
    dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");
    execVM "custom\service_point\service_point.sqf";    <----------Thats where you put the line as shown(without red lol)
    //Run the player monitor
    Repack pbo, upload and restart!
    << personal information removed >>
    Notes: if you want to change the prices please open the folder, go to servicepoint.sqf and look for each setting refuel, rearm and repair it will look like so:
    // refuel settings
    _refuel_enable = true; // enable or disable the refuel option
    _refuel_costs = [
    ["Air",["free"]], // Free
    ["Tank",["free"]], // Free
    ["AllVehicles",["free"]] // Free
    Change those to any denomination in each section you want. I leave it free as I only have PVE servers and it brings people into them trust me people like it better and more fun. Nobody likes going to servers and starting over all the time because of a server that has shutdown recently. Starting over sucks. So I gave it an ease of play on my servers and people love it.


  19. Software/Tool/Suggestion:


    1. Something similar to DaRt for server owners where we can see who is in the server and what they are typing with an easy reply system, ban and kick.
    2. Would also be nice to have an option much like a checkmark box to not allow cursing or swearing/bad language offensive terms etc., and punish a player, maybe freeze them for 20seconds vulnerable to attacks with a warning message "Do not use bad language". Second time is kick. third is admin ban?
    3. Add a feature to Infistar(anyone can alter it) that allows making someone admin in game
    4. Easy Trader tool, click and add to the appropriately named trader with no need for database or cfgtraders
  20. I have been doing mods and arma for almost 2years. If anyone needs assistance ask me or ask someone smarter than me which would be the team of Survival Servers. I am offering information that I have encountered personally and fixed on my own.


    The most common one I see online are No Loot/No Zed Spawns. 

    Without an RPT log i can not help everyone, however use the common steps to get your loot and zeds back.


    1. If you do not have CfgTraders.hpp enabled in your description.ext, you may need to check your config folder in your mission pbo.

    2. Open up Config folder>epochconfig.sqf look for this:

    DZE_MissionLootTable = True;

    That should be set to false if you do not have cfgtrader system. If you do it should be set to true. (this will take care of the spawning issues.)


    Spawned loot works in together with Zeds. Where there are zeds USUALLY there is loot/cars/debris and etc.


    If you are experiencing the issue and all these things are enabled properly, check your .rpt log. Look for the error at bottom.

    Post it here. I will help you. 


    Other things to consider when getting bad lag and bad spawns and glitching. Reduce your Car Spawns in the Epoch config to the default 250 or even lower. Car Spawns of 300+ have known to cause lot of issues, that is just how epoch works. It takes on a heavy load into the dump files and causes errors.


    In your server Establish a ground rule! 4 or 7 vehicles MAX per player. There is never a need for more vehicles. This is not a hording game or a dealership, play the game, blow up your rides and get more.


    Have fun. post any issues you may have. I will try to help you or someone with more knowledge than me like Staff from SS