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Posts posted by Luke

  1. While we can not guarantee that mod pack will work, I can say that we do have Valheim+ and have just recently added an extra option for BepInEx only. Most mods require this to run properly as Valheim does not have any mod support. If you can not add a file on the back end, you can submit a ticket and we can help you further if you choose to purchase a server. Have a great day!

  2. You can set the server to pause when empty in the config file using FTP. PauseEmpty=true in the server settings .ini in the Server folder. If you want to reset the world, check the clean save folder at the top right of your control panel and then hit the green button at the very bottom. If you need further assistance, please submit a ticket!

  3. You would set the appropriate settings when searching and then find the server by name in game. Another method is using steam to find/add your server. In steam, hit the view tab at the top left, then servers, then hit the add server button. You would paste the IP:port from your control panel. Then hit add to favorites and refresh. Then you can attempt to join the server from the list.

  4. No edits need to be made to start_server_bepinex.sh due to how we run the servers. If you want to have BepinEx installed, just enable Valheim+. Valheim+ already includes BepinEx. You do not have to use the valheim+ features if you do not want to. Most can be disabled or configured. If you would like a specific mod installed not related to Valheim+ or are having issues, we will do our best to assist you. Please submit a ticket with the link to the mod you are trying to install. We can not guarantee the mod will work but we will double check to make sure the mod/mods are installed properly per the developer.