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    vulva licking
  1. Check the RPT log via FTP while the game is stuck at 105kb. Any errors?
  2. Check the RPT log via FTP while the game is stuck at 105kb. Any errors?
  3. Danster, I pretty much have everything already running on a friends server, minus self-bb (using the Epoch built-in BB). With a few minor adjustments I can send you pbos. However do me a favor and test the vehicle spawn for Hero vendor and AWOL's airfield. Do the vehicles spawn correctly on the helipad or do they spawn fawkered up?
  4. Danster, I pretty much have everything already running on a friends server, minus self-bb (using the Epoch built-in BB). With a few minor adjustments I can send you pbos. However do me a favor and test the vehicle spawn for Hero vendor and AWOL's airfield. Do the vehicles spawn correctly on the helipad or do they spawn fawkered up?
  5. Were any of the scripts purchased through SS? I'm not sure how dated their scripts are but there could be compatibility issues depending on what mod you're running. If you want to, send me your PBOs and I can look them over, see what's installed. My addy is in my sig.
  6. Were any of the scripts purchased through SS? I'm not sure how dated their scripts are but there could be compatibility issues depending on what mod you're running. If you want to, send me your PBOs and I can look them over, see what's installed. My addy is in my sig.
  7. What mod are you running? Assuming the Chernarus map??
  8. What mod are you running? Assuming the Chernarus map??
  9. There are detailed instructions included in the folder that contains the various sqfs that need to be called server side. Just put the sqfs in a folder named "Skalisty" or something relative, then follow the instructions and make sure to change the call's path to where the "Skalisty" folder is located in the server files. I use DZAI for roaming AI which I configured with additional spawn points in and around the castle as well as WAI for static gun placements, vehicle patrols and paratroopers. I used some of the coords for gun placements and such but all in all it worked out perfect. Also, I added additional crates that spawn in random locations in and around the castle. ...in the server_functions.sqf which is located in server file folder (dayz_server\init) e.g. server_logUnlockLockEvent = { private["_player", "_obj", "_objectID", "_objectUID", "_statusText", "_status"]; _player = _this select 0; _obj = _this select 1; _status = _this select 2; if (!isNull(_obj)) then { _objectID = _obj getVariable["ObjectID", "0"]; _objectUID = _obj getVariable["ObjectUID", "0"]; _statusText = "UNLOCKED"; if (_status) then { [_obj, "gear"] call server_updateObject; _statusText = "LOCKED"; }; diag_log format["SAFE %5: ID:%1 UID:%2 BY %3(%4)", _objectID, _objectUID, (name _player), (getPlayerUID _player), _statusText]; }; }; //Zombie Killer [[8246.7275,15490.344,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Lenzburg [[12397.357,5068.0298,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Schratten [[5150.6099,4862.3594,0],175] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Hero #1 [[15128.379,16421.879,0],145] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Aircraft Vendor [[10404.296,8282.8232,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Hero #2 [[15520.298,13225.4473,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Emmen //Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_lottery.sqf"; //crate []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_bridge.sqf"; //bridge for Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_castle.sqf"; //castle on Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_road.sqf"; //roads on Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_wall.sqf"; //wall around Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_crates.sqf"; //random spawning crates
  10. There are detailed instructions included in the folder that contains the various sqfs that need to be called server side. Just put the sqfs in a folder named "Skalisty" or something relative, then follow the instructions and make sure to change the call's path to where the "Skalisty" folder is located in the server files. I use DZAI for roaming AI which I configured with additional spawn points in and around the castle as well as WAI for static gun placements, vehicle patrols and paratroopers. I used some of the coords for gun placements and such but all in all it worked out perfect. Also, I added additional crates that spawn in random locations in and around the castle. ...in the server_functions.sqf which is located in server file folder (dayz_server\init) e.g. server_logUnlockLockEvent = { private["_player", "_obj", "_objectID", "_objectUID", "_statusText", "_status"]; _player = _this select 0; _obj = _this select 1; _status = _this select 2; if (!isNull(_obj)) then { _objectID = _obj getVariable["ObjectID", "0"]; _objectUID = _obj getVariable["ObjectUID", "0"]; _statusText = "UNLOCKED"; if (_status) then { [_obj, "gear"] call server_updateObject; _statusText = "LOCKED"; }; diag_log format["SAFE %5: ID:%1 UID:%2 BY %3(%4)", _objectID, _objectUID, (name _player), (getPlayerUID _player), _statusText]; }; }; //Zombie Killer [[8246.7275,15490.344,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Lenzburg [[12397.357,5068.0298,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Schratten [[5150.6099,4862.3594,0],175] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Hero #1 [[15128.379,16421.879,0],145] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Aircraft Vendor [[10404.296,8282.8232,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Hero #2 [[15520.298,13225.4473,0],75] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\nuker\zombie_killer.sqf"; //Emmen //Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_lottery.sqf"; //crate []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_bridge.sqf"; //bridge for Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_castle.sqf"; //castle on Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_road.sqf"; //roads on Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_wall.sqf"; //wall around Skalisty Island []execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\skalisty\skalisty_island_crates.sqf"; //random spawning crates
  11. Her you go Vladick, found it on Epoch's forums... http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14594-ai-skalisty-island-not-so-easy/
  12. Her you go Vladick, found it on Epoch's forums... http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14594-ai-skalisty-island-not-so-easy/
  13. Looks really good Cole, nice job! Is there a download link for the Stronghold? Many thanks